📄️ addressesByCompanyId
No description
📄️ addressesByCustomerId
No description
📄️ addressesByOrderId
No description
📄️ addressesByUserId
No description
📄️ adminUserTenant
AUTH: Role=[role.OWNER,role.EDITOR]
📄️ adminUserViewer
AUTH: Role=[] OR ('user is authenticated')
📄️ adminUser
AUTH: Role=[role.OWNER,role.EDITOR,role.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('email if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ adminUsers
AUTH: Role=[role.OWNER,role.EDITOR,role.VIEWER]
📄️ attributeDescription
No description
📄️ attributeDescriptions
No description
📄️ attributeResultByCategoryId
No description
📄️ attributeResultByClusterId
No description
📄️ attributeResultByCompanyId
No description
📄️ attributeResultByContactId
No description
📄️ attributeResultByCustomerId
No description
📄️ attributeResultByProductId
No description
📄️ attribute
No description
📄️ attributesByProductId
No description
📄️ attributes
No description
📄️ authentication
AUTH: Role=[system] OR ('user is authenticated')
📄️ bulkCostPrices
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ bulkPrice
No description
📄️ bulkPrices
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ bundle
No description
📄️ bundles
No description
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTable
Returns a decisionTable by ruleId and tableId
📄️ businessRuleFieldDefinitions
No description
📄️ businessRuleJDM
Returns the JDM Json representation of the business rule that can be use in the GoRules Zen Engine
📄️ businessRule
Returns a business rule by its ID.
📄️ businessRules
Returns a paginated response of rules based on the provider filter
📄️ carrier
No description
📄️ carriers
No description
📄️ cart
No description
📄️ carts
AUTH: Role=[order.OWNER,order.EDITOR,order.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('contactId if present in input matches JWT' AND 'customerId if present in input matches JWT' AND 'companyId(s) if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ categories
No description
📄️ category
No description
📄️ channel
No description
📄️ channels
No description
📄️ clusterConfig
AUTH: Role=[product.OWNER,product.EDITOR,product.VIEWER]
📄️ clusterConfigs
AUTH: Role=[product.OWNER,product.EDITOR,product.VIEWER]
📄️ cluster
No description
📄️ companies
AUTH: Role=[user.OWNER,user.EDITOR,user.VIEWER]
📄️ companySearch
No description
📄️ company
AUTH: Role=[user.OWNER,user.EDITOR,user.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('companyId(s) if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ contact
AUTH: Role=[user.OWNER,user.EDITOR,user.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('contactId if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ contacts
AUTH: Role=[user.OWNER,user.EDITOR,user.VIEWER]
📄️ costPrices
No description
📄️ crossupsell
AUTH: Role=[product.OWNER,product.EDITOR,product.VIEWER]
📄️ crossupsells
AUTH: Role=[product.OWNER,product.EDITOR,product.VIEWER]
📄️ customer
AUTH: Role=[user.OWNER,user.EDITOR,user.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('customerId if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ customers
AUTH: Role=[user.OWNER,user.EDITOR,user.VIEWER]
📄️ defaultPrice
Returns product(s) default price (without calculated discounts).
📄️ discount
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ discounts
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ explainPrice
No description
📄️ externalAddress
No description
📄️ favoriteList
Get favorite list by id
📄️ favoriteLists
Get favorite lists, use either an id or a source
📄️ incentiveRule
No description
📄️ inventory
AUTH: Role=[logistics.OWNER,logistics.EDITOR,logistics.VIEWER]
📄️ machine
Get a single SparePartsMachine, either by id, slug & langauge or by source & sourceId
📄️ machines
No description
📄️ mediaDocument
Deprecated in favor of media.document
📄️ mediaDocuments
Deprecated in favor of media.documents
📄️ mediaImage
Deprecated in favor of media.image
📄️ mediaImages
Deprecated in favor of media.images
📄️ mediaVideo
Deprecated in favor of media.video
📄️ mediaVideos
Deprecated in favor of media.videos
📄️ media
No description
📄️ orderGetPDF
No description
📄️ orderSendConfirmationEmail
Deprecated, use mutation instead
📄️ orderStatusSet
No description
📄️ orderStatusSets
No description
📄️ orderStatus
No description
📄️ orderStatuses
No description
📄️ order
AUTH: Role=[order.OWNER,order.EDITOR,order.VIEWER] OR ('user is authenticated')
📄️ orderlist
No description
📄️ orderlists
No description
📄️ orders
AUTH: Role=[order.OWNER,order.EDITOR,order.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('userId if present in input matches JWT' AND 'companyId(s) if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ payMethod
No description
📄️ payMethods
No description
📄️ payment
AUTH: Role=[order.OWNER,order.EDITOR,order.VIEWER]
📄️ payments
AUTH: Role=[order.OWNER,order.EDITOR,order.VIEWER]
📄️ priceCalculate
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ priceDefault
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ priceExplain
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ price
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ prices
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ pricesheet
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ pricesheets
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ productSurcharges
Get all surcharges for a product
📄️ product
No description
📄️ products
AUTH: Role=[product.OWNER,product.EDITOR,product.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('userId if present in input matches JWT' AND 'companyId(s) if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ roleDefinition
No description
📄️ roleDefinitions
No description
📄️ role
No description
📄️ roles
No description
📄️ shop
No description
📄️ shops
No description
📄️ site
Deprecated in favor of channel
📄️ surcharge
Get surcharge by id
📄️ surcharges
Get all surcharges
📄️ tax
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ taxes
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ tender
AUTH: Role=[order.OWNER,order.EDITOR,order.VIEWER]
📄️ userDiscounts
No description
📄️ user
AUTH: Role=[user.OWNER,user.EDITOR,user.VIEWER] OR (('user is authenticated') AND ('userId if present in input matches JWT'))
📄️ usergroup
No description
📄️ usergroups
No description
📄️ valuesetItems
No description
📄️ valueset
No description
📄️ valuesets
No description
📄️ viewer
No description
📄️ warehouse
No description
📄️ warehouses
No description
📄️ zoneTaxCode
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]
📄️ zoneTaxCodes
AUTH: Role=[pricing.OWNER,pricing.EDITOR,pricing.VIEWER]