📄️ addCompanyManager
No description
📄️ addSurchargesToProduct
Add surcharge to product
📄️ adminUserCreate
No description
📄️ adminUserDelete
No description
📄️ adminUserTenantCreate
No description
📄️ adminUserTenantDelete
No description
📄️ adminUserUpdate
No description
📄️ attributeCreate
No description
📄️ attributeDelete
No description
📄️ attributeDescriptionCreate
No description
📄️ attributeDescriptionDelete
No description
📄️ attributeDescriptionUpdate
No description
📄️ attributeUpdate
No description
📄️ authenticationCreate
No description
📄️ authenticationDelete
No description
📄️ bulkCostPriceCreate
No description
📄️ bulkCostPriceDelete
No description
📄️ bulkCostPriceUpdate
No description
📄️ bulkCostPricesBulk
No description
📄️ bulkCostPricesCreate
No description
📄️ bulkCostPricesDelete
No description
📄️ bulkPriceCreate
No description
📄️ bulkPriceDelete
No description
📄️ bulkPriceUpdate
No description
📄️ bulkPricesCreate
No description
📄️ bulkPricesDelete
No description
📄️ bundleAddItems
No description
📄️ bundleCreate
No description
📄️ bundleDelete
No description
📄️ bundleRemoveItem
No description
📄️ bundleUpdate
No description
📄️ businessRuleCreate
Creates a new business rule.
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTableAddColumn
Adds an input or output column to a decisionTable
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTableAddRow
Adds a new row to a decisionTable
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTableDeleteColumn
Deletes an input or output column from a decisionTable
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTableDeleteRow
Deletes a row from a decisionTable
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTableMoveRow
Moves a row within a decisionTable
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTableSetCell
Sets the value of a cell in a decisionTable
📄️ businessRuleDecisionTableUpdate
Updates a decisionTable
📄️ businessRuleDelete
Deletes an existing business rule.
📄️ businessRuleUpdate
Updates an existing business rule.
📄️ carrierAssignWarehouse
No description
📄️ carrierCreate
No description
📄️ carrierDelete
No description
📄️ carrierUnassignWarehouse
No description
📄️ carrierUpdate
No description
📄️ cartAddActionCode
Add action code to the cart
📄️ cartAddBundle
Add bundle item to the cart
📄️ cartAddItem
Add item to the cart
📄️ cartDeleteItem
Delete item from the cart
📄️ cartDelete
Delete existing cart
📄️ cartInvalidateCache
Invalidate cache for a specific cart or all carts if no id is provided
📄️ cartProcess
Process cart
📄️ cartRemoveActionCode
Remove action code from the cart
📄️ cartSetContact
Set contact for the cart
📄️ cartSetCustomer
Set customer for the cart
📄️ cartSetUser
Will be removed in the future, please use cartSetContact or cartSetCustomer mutations instead.
📄️ cartStart
Initialize new cart
📄️ cartUpdateAddress
Update cart address
📄️ cartUpdateItem
Update item in the cart
📄️ cartUpdate
Update existing cart
📄️ categoryAddProductsClusters
No description
📄️ categoryCreate
Create a new category
📄️ categoryDelete
Delete category by category Id
📄️ categoryRemoveProductsClusters
No description
📄️ categoryUpdate
Update category by category Id
📄️ channelInvalidateCache
No description
📄️ claimsReset
No description
📄️ clusterConfigAddSetting
Creates a setting to specific cluster config
📄️ clusterConfigCreate
Creates a new cluster config
📄️ clusterConfigDelete
Deletes a cluster config
📄️ clusterConfigRemoveSetting
Removes a setting from specific cluster config
📄️ clusterConfigUpdateSetting
Updates a setting on cluster config
📄️ clusterCreate
Creates a cluster
📄️ clusterDelete
Deletes a cluster
📄️ clusterOptionCreate
Creates a cluster option
📄️ clusterOptionDelete
Deletes a cluster option
📄️ clusterOptionUpdate
Upadtes a cluster option
📄️ clusterProductCreate
Creates a cluster/option product
📄️ clusterProductDelete
Deletes a cluster/option product
📄️ clusterProductUpdate
Updates a cluster/option product
📄️ clusterUpdate
Updates a cluster
📄️ companyAddressCreate
No description
📄️ companyAddressDelete
No description
📄️ companyAddressUpdate
No description
📄️ companyCreate
No description
📄️ companyDelete
No description
📄️ companyUpdate
No description
📄️ contactAddToCompanies
No description
📄️ contactCreateAccount
No description
📄️ contactCreate
Creates a new contact, if you want this new contact to be able to login, please use contactRegister
📄️ contactDeleteAccount
No description
📄️ contactDelete
No description
📄️ contactRegister
Creates a new contact and a new login account for this contact
📄️ contactRemoveFromCompanies
No description
📄️ contactUpdate
No description
📄️ crossupsellCreate
No description
📄️ crossupsellDelete
No description
📄️ crossupsellUpdate
No description
📄️ customerAddressCreate
No description
📄️ customerAddressDelete
No description
📄️ customerAddressUpdate
No description
📄️ customerCreateAccount
No description
📄️ customerCreate
Creates a new customer, if you want this new customer to be able to login, please use customerRegister
📄️ customerDeleteAccount
No description
📄️ customerDelete
No description
📄️ customerRegister
Creates a new customer and a new login account for this customer
📄️ customerUpdate
No description
📄️ discountCreate
No description
📄️ discountDelete
No description
📄️ discountInvalidateCache
No description
📄️ discountUpdate
No description
📄️ exchangeRefreshToken
No description
📄️ externalAddressCreate
No description
📄️ externalAddressDelete
No description
📄️ externalAddressUpdate
No description
📄️ favoriteListAddItems
No description
📄️ favoriteListClearItems
No description
📄️ favoriteListCreate
No description
📄️ favoriteListDelete
No description
📄️ favoriteListRemoveItems
No description
📄️ favoriteListUpdate
No description
📄️ incentiveRuleAddOrderCondition
No description
📄️ incentiveRuleCreate
No description
📄️ incentiveRuleRemoveOrderCondition
No description
📄️ incentiveRuleSetAction
No description
📄️ incentiveRuleSetOrderItemConditions
No description
📄️ inventoryCreate
No description
📄️ inventoryDelete
No description
📄️ inventoryUpdate
No description
📄️ login
Logs in the authenticated user and returns a GCIP user session which includes the accessToken and refreshToken.
📄️ logout
signOut mutation will be available in the future
📄️ machineCreate
No description
📄️ machineDelete
No description
📄️ machineUpsert
No description
📄️ mediaAttachmentCreate
No description
📄️ mediaAttachmentDelete
No description
📄️ mediaAttachmentUpdate
No description
📄️ mediaDocumentCreate
No description
📄️ mediaDocumentDelete
No description
📄️ mediaDocumentUpdate
No description
📄️ mediaImageCreate
No description
📄️ mediaImageDelete
No description
📄️ mediaImageUpdate
No description
📄️ mediaVideoCreate
No description
📄️ mediaVideoDelete
No description
📄️ mediaVideoUpdate
No description
📄️ orderCreate
No description
📄️ orderDelete
No description
📄️ orderItemCreate
No description
📄️ orderItemDelete
No description
📄️ orderItemUpdate
No description
📄️ orderSendConfirmationEmail
No description
📄️ orderSetStatus
No description
📄️ orderStatusCreate
No description
📄️ orderStatusDelete
No description
📄️ orderStatusSetAddOrderStatuses
No description
📄️ orderStatusSetCreate
No description
📄️ orderStatusSetDelete
No description
📄️ orderStatusSetRemoveOrderStatuses
No description
📄️ orderStatusSetUpdate
No description
📄️ orderStatusUpdate
No description
📄️ orderUpdateAddress
No description
📄️ orderUpdate
No description
📄️ orderlistAddItems
No description
📄️ orderlistAssignCompanies
No description
📄️ orderlistAssignUsers
No description
📄️ orderlistCreate
No description
📄️ orderlistDelete
No description
📄️ orderlistRemoveItems
No description
📄️ orderlistUnassignCompanies
No description
📄️ orderlistUnassignUsers
No description
📄️ orderlistUpdate
No description
📄️ passwordResetLink
Generates a password recovery link, that can be included in a password recovery e-mail.
📄️ payMethodCreate
No description
📄️ payMethodDelete
No description
📄️ payMethodUpdate
No description
📄️ paymentCreate
No description
📄️ paymentDelete
No description
📄️ paymentUpdate
No description
📄️ priceCreate
No description
📄️ priceDelete
No description
📄️ priceUpdate
No description
📄️ pricesheetAssign
No description
📄️ pricesheetCreate
No description
📄️ pricesheetDelete
No description
📄️ pricesheetUnassign
No description
📄️ pricesheetUpdate
No description