📄️ AddressType
Address types [one of 'delivery','invoice' or 'home']
📄️ AttributeClass
Supported attribute classes. Objects from this enum can have attributes.
📄️ AttributeType
All attribute types
📄️ Auto
Auto image optimization
📄️ BundleCondition
Bundle discount condition
📄️ CacheControlType
Cache Control Type [no-store, public or none]
📄️ CarrierSortField
No description
📄️ CarrierType
No description
📄️ CartAddressType
Address types for Carts
📄️ CategorySortableFields
Fields available for sorting categories
📄️ ClusterDrillDownDisplayTypes
Ways to dsplay a cluster's drilldown selection.
📄️ CompanySortableFields
Company sortable fields
📄️ ContactSortableFields
Contact sortable fields
📄️ CrossupsellTypes
Available Cross/Up Sell types
📄️ CsvRecordErrorCode
📄️ CustomerSortableFields
Customer sortable fields
📄️ DiscountType
Discount type
📄️ DocumentFieldName
Fields available for document CSV mapping.
📄️ EmailEventType
Type of e-mail events that can be triggered
📄️ FeaturesEnableDisable
Enable/Disable available image optimization
📄️ Fit
The fit parameter controls how the image will be constrained within the provided size (width and height) values, in order to maintain the correct proportions.
📄️ Format
The Format parameter controls how the image will be constrained within the provided size (width and height) values, in order to maintain the correct proportions.
📄️ Gender
A persons gender
📄️ ImageFieldName
Fields available for image CSV mapping.
📄️ ImageMetadata
The metadata parameters controls whether to include metadata in the output image
📄️ InventoryFieldName
No description
📄️ InventoryType
Available inventory types
📄️ Level
When converting animated GIFs to the MP4 format and when used in conjunction with the profile parameter, the level parameter specifies a set of constraints indicating a degree of required decoder performance for a profile.
📄️ Optimize
The optimize parameter automatically applies optimal quality compression to produce an output image with as much visual fidelity as possible, while minimizing the file size.
📄️ OrderDiscountType
Order discount types
📄️ OrderExportStatus
Available order export statuses
📄️ OrderItemClass
Class of the order item
📄️ OrderSearchFields
Available fields to search for in an order
📄️ OrderSortField
No description
📄️ OrderStatusOrderType
No description
📄️ OrderStatusSetSortField
No description
📄️ OrderStatusSortField
No description
📄️ OrderStatusType
No description
📄️ OrderType
Available order types
📄️ OrderlistSortField
No description
📄️ OrderlistType
No description
📄️ Orient
The orient parameter controls the cardinal orientation of the image.
📄️ PayMethodSortField
No description
📄️ PaymentStatuses
Available payment statuses
📄️ Permission
Permission types
📄️ PriceMode
Indicates where the price is calculated. PLATFORM - Price was calculated based on product price/postage rules set in Propeller. EXTERNAL - price is set externally
📄️ ProductClass
Available product classes
📄️ ProductPriceType
Product price types
📄️ ProductStatus
All available product statuses
📄️ ResizeFilter
The resize-filter parameter enables control over the resizing filter used to generate a new image with a higher or lower number of pixels.
📄️ Searchablefields
All field that can be searched and boosted with the regular term input.
📄️ SortOrder
Order options for sorting
📄️ Sort
Image Search Sort
📄️ SortableFields
Fields available for sorting
📄️ SurchargeType
Available type of surcharges
📄️ TaxCode
All supported tax codes
📄️ Taxcode
All supported taxcodes
📄️ TenderAddressType
Address types for Tenders
📄️ TenderOrderItemType
Order item types
📄️ TenderOrderType
Order types
📄️ TransactionStatuses
Available transaction statuses
📄️ TransactionTypes
Available transaction types
📄️ UploadType
Upload type
📄️ UsergroupSortableFields
Usergroup sortable fields
📄️ ValuesetItemSortField
No description
📄️ ValuesetSortField
No description
📄️ ValuesetSortOrder
No description
📄️ ValuesetType
No description
📄️ VideoFieldName
Fields available for video CSV mapping.
📄️ YesNo
Boolean in Yes/No format