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Multiple user addresses

The possibility to add multiple addresses is available only for Companies (B2B) and Customers (B2C). There are 3 types of addresses that can be added: home, delivery and invoice address:

How to add multiple user addresses m1

Adding multiple addresses for a Company (B2B) or a Customer (B2C)

Both Companies and Customers can have multiple home, delivery and invoice addresses.

In the sidebar menu, choose the User Management module and go to 'Users'. You can either add multiple addresses to an already existing Company (B2B) / Customer (B2C) or you can simply do that while creating a new Company (B2B) / Customer (B2C). Either way, the steps are the same.

In the example below, you can see how to add multiple delivery addresses for a Company, but the steps are the same for all 3 types of addresses.

Open the Company in the User Management > Users section and go to the 'Addresses' Tab. Click on the dropdown of the 'Delivery' section and click on 'Create new delivery address'.

How to add multiple user addresses m2

A new pop-up screen will appear where you need to fill in the address information. If you want this to be your default delivery address, just check the box 'Make this address as default' and click 'Save'.

How to add multiple user addresses m3

You can add as many addresses as you want and adjust them as per your needs:

How to add multiple user addresses m4

The same applies for home and invoice addresses, for both Contacts (B2B) and Customers (B2C).