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Modify company addresses

Once the details for your company have been added, you can adjust and change available fields at any time. This is managed in the User Management module. If you, let's say need to change your company address, follow these steps:

Step 1

Navigate to the User Management module in the left sidebar and open the Users menu. Then click on the Companies (B2B) tab and click on the company you need to edit.

Company address c1

Step 2

A new screen will open with the company's details. Open the Addresses tab and then click on the existing address you need to edit. Or, if you need to add an additional address, just click on the button Create new home address

Company address c2

Step 3

In the Addresses tab you can change your Home, Delivery, and Billing address. The sections are collapsible, so you can click on each to open it.

Company address c3

Step 4

Once you have finalized the changes, just click on the Save button in the top right corner to apply them.