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v1 - Release notes

The release notes for updates to v1 of the Propeller Platform.

Version 1.11 - 11th September

User Management

New Features

  • Enabled the ability to search for a Company using linked Contact data. This allows easier discovery of companies associated with specific contacts, improving search functionality for administrators.
  • Added a guard to the passwordResetLink.


  • Fixed an issue where querying by userId with a limited access API key could return data for other users. The query now properly restricts access to the correct user’s data.


New Features

  • Updated the source field logic for quotes, orders and requests to reflect the correct creation source.


  • Fixed issue where item.package was returning null in GraphQL despite being available in the database.
  • Fixed the orderUpdate mutation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tender query threw an error when using the orderId returned from the tenderProcess mutation. Orders can now be created and fetched correctly.
  • Fixed an issue preventing orders from being placed in the checkout process. Resolved an error related to shipping cost calculations that caused the order total to display incorrectly and block order placement.


New Features

  • Enabled the application of action codes to carts.


  • Fixed an issue where the lastModifiedAt field was not updating when a Cart was modified. The field now correctly updates whenever a Cart is updated or items are added, removed, or modified.
  • Fixed an issue where totalGross in the Cart total incorrectly included postage costs when no postage information was provided. Postage data is now only applied when explicitly added to the cart.

Version 1.10 - 2nd September


New Features

  • Added fields to prevent duplicate order exports, making it easier and more reliable to integrate with third-party systems.



  • Resolved an issue where the order list in products was not returning the selected filter values; the retrieved filter values were previously always null but now return correctly.

Version 1.9 - 26th August


New Features

  • Enhanced the search functionality, allowing you to search for quotes, orders, and requests by their respective IDs and company names for quicker access.
  • Added the ability to sort requests, orders and quotes by company name, status and total amount.


  • Fixed an issue where the orderlistUpdate mutation was not properly clearing products from the order list, despite returning a successful response. Now, the cleanup works as expected.
  • Resolved an issue where the orderUpdate mutation was causing errors.

Version 1.8 - 20th August


New Features

  • Added additional fields for orders and order lines.

Version 1.7 - 13th August


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with sorting of products by price filter.


New Features

  • Mutations now include ICP.

GraphQL Playground

  • The GraphQL playground in-browser IDE has been removed from production environments’ URLs for security reasons. Please use alternative tools like Altair or Insomnia to explore and test GraphQL on the same URLs, and remember to add your API key to the headers for schema polling.

Version 1.6 - 7th August


New Features

  • Added support for tracking orders by company, enhancing multi-company environment capabilities.

Bug Fixes

  • Ensured that searching by INVOICE_ADDRESS_COMPANY or RECIPIENT_COMPANY returns results.

Favorite Lists

New Features

  • Added support for looking up and adding items (products, companies, contacts, customers) by their source IDs. This enhancement improves the organization and management of favorite items.

Version 1.3 - 27th February (Preliminary Release Notification)

This is a minor release without any breaking changes.

Sort Order Fixes

We've made a series of updates regarding sort order validation. These mostly address some field type inconsistencies between services and introduce valid sorting to support our new backoffice user interface.

The changes have been rolled out to the following services:

  • PayMethods
  • Orderlists
  • User Management
  • Carriers
  • Categories

Surcharges Service

As a continuation from our previous release, we've added guards to the Surcharges service to bring it in line with the latest standard of our internal services. As before, this shouldn't have any impact on current project, but should you experience any access issues, please let us know.

We've also made a bugfix to this service resolving an issue with the input.type that was previously a string and is now an enum as expected.

Version 1.2 - 20th February 2024

This is a minor release without any breaking changes.

Orderlist & Valueset Services

Added REST Endpoints to these services to accompany the GraphQL endpoints released last week.

These endpoints should be functional but are not yet fully documented, which will be added soon. The equivalent fields are part of the GraphQL documentation, but if you have any further questions, please reach out on our partner discord.

Carrier, Shop and Warehouse Services

We have enabled the authorization guards on these services to bring them into line with current platform requirements.

The authorization guards prevent unauthorized access to services by applying the available permissions from the API or user roles. If you experience any issues with accessing these services, please reach out to us.

Spare Parts Service

The SpareParts service was not updated this release after some minor issues were noticed during testing. This change will be queued for the next release

v1.1 - 12th February 2024

Paymethod Service

We've released the first version of the paymethod service that supports storing and managing different payment methods.

Gateway Service

Deployed the OrderStatus service to the full pipeline.

Warehouse Service

Made the opening and closing time details for Warehouses nullable to allow removing these details from an entry.

Valueset Service

Fixed a few minor bugs related to ValueSetItem options and field types.

Orderlist Service

Finalized implementation by including Orderlist details in ProductSearch and UserManagement features.

Category Service

We're replaced the Sort Order enum with a common entry from the ValueSet Service.

30th January 2024

E-mail Service - v1.3.1

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved payload too large error

26th January 2024

Cart Service - v1.10.1

Bug Fixes

  • Default paymethods price set to 0 if not parsable float

Spare Parts Service - v0.3.1

Bug Fixes

  • Improved error handling for "machine not found"

17th January 2024

Valueset Service - v0.2.0


  • Remake mutations
  • System set management
  • Add guards and indexes
  • Finalize REST

Bug Fixes

  • Partially update valueset item extra field
  • Valueset items controller endpoint

8th January 2024

Category Service - V1.10.0


  • Deprecate directory ids for category service

22nd December 2023

Valueset Service - V0.1.3


  • Make valueset descriptions non nullable arrays
  • Improved valuesetid

30th November 2023

Carrier Service - V0.2.0


  • Align with api conventions and fix update carrier with empty warehoueses array
  • Change delete carrier to one db call

Valueset Service - V0.1.0


  • add the new error handling implementation and update all packages
  • implement workload identity with shared gql svces gcp sa, update packages and propagate traces
  • update all packages, address breaking changes and update to node v18
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations
  • update packages, add missing ones and fix deprecations

24th November 2023

Business Rules Builder - V1.1.0

Bug Fixes

  • Field hitPolicy and output fields not stored via mutations


  • dd localizedValue to output table cells

Cart v2 Service - v1.1.1


  • Initial cart-v2 commit
  • Microservice template initial commit
  • First attempt at tests

Checkout Service - V1.3.0


  • Add Guards to payment queries

Order Service - V1.7.0


  • Improve roles authentication
  • Move hasElevatedPriviledges to shared authHeaderService

User Management Service - V1.11.0


  • Add Guard and Interceptors to User queries and mutations
  • Allow create/register mutations to be executed as anonymous user
  • Deprecate directory ids for user management service

23rd November 2023

Auth Service - V1.10.0


  • Add companyId to UserClaims entity
  • Expose companyId in JWT claim if class = contact

Gateway Service - V2.0.3


  • Gateway V2 deployment
  • Pass the x-auth-user-roles header to subgraphs
  • Adds support for running V2 of the gateway with a different servicelist

22nd November 2023

Address Service - V1.4.1

Bug Fixes

  • Get full class address after update

14th November 2023

Admin Authentication Service - V0.4.1

Bug Fixes

  • No password email send after registering new user

Order Service - V1.6.0


  • Add or guards to the ordersetstatus mutation

31st October 2023

Product Bundle Service - V1.8.0

Bug Fixes

  • Do not deprecate external fields of subgraphs


  • add “add and remove” bundle items and deprecation improvements
  • add initial bundle create, update and delete implementation
  • add migration with non breaking fixes and finalize adding and removing items graql and rest
  • add minimal bundle mutations for gql and rest
  • add validation and change get to post search bundles by product ids
  • deprecate directory ids for product-bundle service
  • initial crud rest implementation setup, and updated packages
  • mark nullable on gql side what was missed, remove comboid from create input and fix issues
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

16th October 2023

Admin Authentication Service - V0.4.0


  • add channels endpoint
  • align the channel query with the latest version
  • update packages and nestjs to latest and address deprecations

Carrier Service - V0.1.0


  • add missing tests
  • add mutations for assign and unassign warehouse to a carrier
  • add support for filtering carries by modified data and ids
  • fix warehouse ids namings for federation and add boilerplate for calling warehouse service
  • implement some carrier gql and rest
  • initial carrer api setup
  • initial tests implementation
  • setup warehouse ids for federation and test
  • wrap up initial carrier implementation without tests

Warehouse Service - V1.6.0


  • add support for warehouse federation in carrier and list warehouses by id
  • fix warehouse carrier federation

10th October 2023

Order Helper - V1.1.0


  • Fix calculations, implement incentives
  • Various improvements

Tender v2 Service - V0.1.0


  • Improve error handling

9th October 2023

Spare Parts Service - V0.3.0


  • Upsert support for spareparts

User Management Service - V1.10.1


  • customer register with attributes
  • datesearch input validation and align it with the same type from carrier

6th October 2023

External Reference Service - V1.3.0


  • update packages and nestjs to latest and address deprecations

Gateway Service - V1.7.0


  • add carrier service to dev and staging and update packages

Media Bulk Service - V1.2.0


  • update packages and nestjs to latest and address deprecations

19th September 2023

Category Service - V1.9.0


  • Add category search

Order Service - V1.5.0

Bug Fixes

  • Add --no-verify to commitArgs
  • Return the full (transformed) order after setOrderStatus


  • Add Dataloader Instrumentation
  • Create CRUD operations for Order and OrderItem

11th September 2023

Cart Service - V1.10.0


  • add additional error checks from rest cart service
  • add more explicit error handling to the rest api calls

Surcharges Service - V1.2.0


  • improve error handling for gql and rest side and update the tax enum to standard values

5th September 2023

Price Service - V1.9.1


  • Date range not working for discounts

4th September 2023

Checkout Service - V1.2.1

Bug Fixes

  • Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')
  • Listing payments error

29th August 2023

Order Service - V1.4.1


  • Backorders and Purchase Orders listed as shipments

28th August 2023

Business Rules Builder v1.0.1

Bug Fixes

  • Path in output fields not set when executing incentiveRuleSetOrderItemConditions

Favorites List Service - V0.2.1

Bug Fixes

  • Collection not part of the mongoDB connection string

24th August 2023

Inventory Service - V1.3.0


  • add initial implementation of create inventory and improve error handling
  • combine create inventory by type via single input type and extended update input type

Price Service - V1.9.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

23rd August 2023

Address Service - V1.4.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Attributes Service - V1.5.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Cart Service - V1.9.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Checkout Service - V1.2.0


  • add error handling and finalize initial endpoints
  • add initial payments rest support
  • add more endpoints for payments and transactions
  • doc improvements and nest cli swagger plugin and revert back latest packages
  • expose the checkout rest through the main istio gw
  • fix rest routes and expands as per code review
  • initial crud rest implementation

Crossupsell Service - V1.3.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

E-mail service - V1.3.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Favorites List Service - V0.2.0

Bug Fixes

  • commit args for release it job
  • pagination issue while searghing in the latest mongo package
  • remove commit hooks on release


  • add federation feature flag implementation
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Gateway Service - V1.6.0


  • Add BusinessRule Builder to dev environment
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Inventory Service - V1.2.0


  • initially add create inventory
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Media Service - V1.7.0


  • change the broken custom validation with nest builtin and update docs
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Order Service - V1.4.0

Bug Fixes

  • Extend SetMultipleOrderStatusError from BaseError
  • Improved setorderstatus error handling
  • Improved setorderstatus error handling
  • setorderstatus changes / typeorm package update


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Productsearch Service - V1.13.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations and change to hpa v2

Spare Parts Service - V0.2.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Tax Service - V1.4.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Tender Service - V1.7.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

User Management Service - C1.10.0


  • Deprecate directory ids for user entity
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Warehouse Service - V1.6.0


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

21st August 2023

Auth Service - V1.9.0

Bug Fixes

  • add await to resolver methods and parsing date checks for null


  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Category Service - V1.8.0

Bug Fixes

  • slug removed from create input
  • some responses updated
  • update category param name


  • create and update delay because of neo4j
  • guards adjustment
  • initial inputs and mutations
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

Surcharges Service - V1.1.1

Bug Fixes

  • imports
  • input type
  • optional props
  • pagination response not working corectly between gql and rest
  • product id type
  • update surcharge error


  • Release-it failed due to wrong branch name
  • add federation feature flag implementation
  • default input when resolving surcharge into product
  • default search input
  • enabled multiple surcharges add/remove to a single product
  • entity , migration changes
  • federate surcharge into product
  • filter by taxzone, some props are optional now
  • more typerom functionality usage
  • REST + some improvements
  • rest optional props
  • taxzone filter
  • update packages to latest and address deprecations

24th July 2023

Auth Service - V1.8.1

Bug Fixes

  • make logout nullable and deprecated
  • make logout.todo nullable

21st July 2023

Cart Service - v1.8.1

Bug Fixes

  • default paymethods amount to 0 if not parsable float

20th July 2023

User Management Service - V1.9.0


  • add filter by date changed filtering contacts, customers and companies
  • add initial date created and changed for all types
  • add initial date created support and fix input validations
  • Make usergroupPath field available for customer / user and company
  • review changes, rename datachanged to lastmodifieddate and improve data search validation

14th July 2023

Attributes Service - V1.4.2

Bug Fixes

  • Filtering on non-existant attr name failed

13th July 2023

Gateway Service - V1.5.1

Bug Fixes

  • FavoriteList service not included on prod


  • add implementation for passing service list via config per env. with flags
  • Favorite lists service
  • surcharge svc in config

Productsearch Service - V1.12.0


  • add federation feature flag implementation
  • Add product mutations
  • Favorite lists federation
  • federate product in surcharge
  • identifier naming
  • price display field

12th July 2023

Favorites List Service - V0.1.0


  • create all pulumi deploy stacks
  • Initial copy of the template files

16th June 2023

Price Service - V1.8.0


  • Add shopId to tax query

Product Bundle Service - V1.7.0


  • Add shopId to tax query

Tax Service - V1.3.0


  • Add shopId and zone to input to taxes query

12th May 2023

Warehouse Service - V1.4.0


  • initial implementation of the new channel/shop logic

11th May 2023

Auth Service - V1.8.0


  • change site with channel implementation
  • mark siteid as optional and depreacted for logout and startsession, and update packages

Cart Service - V1.8.0


  • add channel id as part of cart response object
  • add optional channel id as input and ignore the site id
  • make site id and deprecated for cart start and implement the channel


  • Revert "chore: Set address number as nullable"

E-mail Service - V1.2.0


  • depreacate siteid in favour of channelid, implement channel header and update packages
  • Enable quotation emails

Gateway Service - V1.4.0


  • Add channel & shop to gateway
  • propagate x-channel-id header to the services
  • update apollo gw and server and all other outdated packages

Order Service - V1.3.0


  • add channel id from db and set site id to null
  • add initial implementation of order draft status limitations for admin users
  • add support to fetch order by uuid
  • depreciate siteid in favour of channelid, implement channel header and update packages
  • initial implementation of auth middleware for admin draft quote and order limitation
  • update the getordererror to userinputerror

Price Service - V1.7.0


  • Add channel support
  • Improve Error Handling
  • Neo4J v5 compatible

Product Bundle Service - V1.6.0


  • Fix original bundle price, bundle tax code

Productsearch Service - V1.11.0


  • Add channel to price svc http call header

Tax Service - V1.2.0


  • Filter tax by shopId
  • initial implementation of the new channel/shop logic

Tender Service - V1.6.0


  • add optional channel id as input and ignore the site id
  • depreciate siteid in favour of channelid, implement channel header and update packages
  • general cleanup, global cache module and adding channelid to the response

10th May 2023

Productsearch Service - V1.11.0


  • Search: Enable order by directory_order

21st April 2023

Attributes Service - V1.4.1

Bug Fixes

  • Enum values where returned in textValue field

13th April 2023

Attributes Service - V1.4.0


  • Improve query performance

6th April 2023

Category Service - V1.7.0


  • Neo4J v5 compatible (645371c)

Price Service - V1.6.1


  • Neo4J v5 compatible