v1 to v2 - Changelog
This is the changelog for staging when comparing v1 and v2 on Tuesday 9th April 2024. This page will be updated as we make new releases and finalized at the time of the production release.
This log was created by using GraphQL Inspector (https://the-guild.dev/graphql/inspector).
Detected the following changes (1241) between schemas:
✖ Type Ace was removed
✖ Attribute kind changed from ' to '
✖ Type AttributeClass was removed
✖ Argument language: String was removed from field AttributeDescription.description
✖ Field AttributeDescription.group changed type from String! to String
✖ Field AttributeDescription.id changed type from Int! to ID!
✖ Field searchId was removed from object type AttributeDescription
✖ Field AttributeDescription.typeParam changed type from String! to String
✖ Input field class was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Input field group was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Input field name was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Input field type was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Field textFilter was removed from object type AttributeFilter
✖ Type AttributeFilterInput was removed
✖ Enum value color was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value date was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value datetime was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value decimal was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value enum was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value enumlist was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value integer was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value list was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value object was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value text was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ AttributeValue kind changed from ' to '
✖ Type AttributeValueObjectSearchInput was removed
✖ Type AttributeValueResponse was removed
✖ Field actionCode was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field carrier was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field dateChanged was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field incentives was removed from object type Cart
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartAddBundleInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartAddItemInput
✖ Field icp was removed from object type CartAddress
✖ Field url was removed from object type CartAddress
✖ Enum value delivery was removed from enum CartAddressType
✖ Enum value invoice was removed from enum CartAddressType
✖ Field expectedDeliveryDate was removed from object type CartBaseItem
✖ Field id was removed from object type CartBaseItem
✖ Field CartBaseItem.notes changed type from String! to String
✖ Field description was removed from object type CartCarrier
✖ Field CartCarrier.logo changed type from String! to String
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartDeleteItemInput
✖ Input field CartDeleteItemInput.itemId changed type from Int! to String!
✖ Type CartDeleteResponse was removed
✖ Field content was removed from object type CartIncentive
✖ Field ruleId was removed from object type CartIncentive
✖ Field expectedDeliveryDate was removed from object type CartMainItem
✖ Field id was removed from object type CartMainItem
✖ Field CartMainItem.notes changed type from String! to String
✖ Field grossAmount was removed from object type CartPaymentData
✖ Field netAmount was removed from object type CartPaymentData
✖ Field CartPaymentData.taxPercentage changed type from Float! to Int
✖ Field amount was removed from object type CartPaymethod
✖ Field description was removed from object type CartPaymethod
✖ Field CartPaymethod.externalCode changed type from String! to String
✖ Field CartPaymethod.taxCode changed type from Taxcode! to Taxcode
✖ Field CartPaymethod.type changed type from String! to String
✖ Field postage was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Field postageNet was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Field postageTaxPercentage was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Field CartPostageData.priceMode changed type from PriceMode! to PriceMode
✖ Field CartPostageData.requestDate changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
✖ Field shippingMethod was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Input field postage was removed from input object type CartPostageDataInput
✖ Input field shippingMethod was removed from input object type CartPostageDataInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartProcessInput
✖ Field response was removed from object type CartProcessResponse
✖ Type CartResponse was removed
✖ Type CartResponseData was removed
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartSetUserInput
✖ Field taxCode was removed from object type CartTaxLevel
✖ Field discountGross was removed from object type CartTotal
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field icp was removed from input object type CartUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field url was removed from input object type CartUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field carrier was removed from input object type CartUpdateInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartUpdateInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartUpdateItemInput
✖ Input field itemId was removed from input object type CartUpdateItemInput
✖ Type CartUpdateItemsInput was removed
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type Category
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument sku: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field crossupsells was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field description was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field drillDown was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field name was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field path (deprecated) was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field slug was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field attribute was removed from object type ClusterDrillDown