v1 to v2 - Changelog
This is the changelog for staging when comparing v1 and v2 on Tuesday 9th April 2024. This page will be updated as we make new releases and finalized at the time of the production release.
This log was created by using GraphQL Inspector (https://the-guild.dev/graphql/inspector).
Detected the following changes (1241) between schemas:
✖ Type Ace was removed
✖ Attribute kind changed from ' to '
✖ Type AttributeClass was removed
✖ Argument language: String was removed from field AttributeDescription.description
✖ Field AttributeDescription.group changed type from String! to String
✖ Field AttributeDescription.id changed type from Int! to ID!
✖ Field searchId was removed from object type AttributeDescription
✖ Field AttributeDescription.typeParam changed type from String! to String
✖ Input field class was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Input field group was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Input field name was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Input field type was removed from input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
✖ Field textFilter was removed from object type AttributeFilter
✖ Type AttributeFilterInput was removed
✖ Enum value color was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value date was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value datetime was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value decimal was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value enum was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value enumlist was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value integer was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value list was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value object was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ Enum value text was removed from enum AttributeType
✖ AttributeValue kind changed from ' to '
✖ Type AttributeValueObjectSearchInput was removed
✖ Type AttributeValueResponse was removed
✖ Field actionCode was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field carrier was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field dateChanged was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type Cart
✖ Field incentives was removed from object type Cart
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartAddBundleInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartAddItemInput
✖ Field icp was removed from object type CartAddress
✖ Field url was removed from object type CartAddress
✖ Enum value delivery was removed from enum CartAddressType
✖ Enum value invoice was removed from enum CartAddressType
✖ Field expectedDeliveryDate was removed from object type CartBaseItem
✖ Field id was removed from object type CartBaseItem
✖ Field CartBaseItem.notes changed type from String! to String
✖ Field description was removed from object type CartCarrier
✖ Field CartCarrier.logo changed type from String! to String
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartDeleteItemInput
✖ Input field CartDeleteItemInput.itemId changed type from Int! to String!
✖ Type CartDeleteResponse was removed
✖ Field content was removed from object type CartIncentive
✖ Field ruleId was removed from object type CartIncentive
✖ Field expectedDeliveryDate was removed from object type CartMainItem
✖ Field id was removed from object type CartMainItem
✖ Field CartMainItem.notes changed type from String! to String
✖ Field grossAmount was removed from object type CartPaymentData
✖ Field netAmount was removed from object type CartPaymentData
✖ Field CartPaymentData.taxPercentage changed type from Float! to Int
✖ Field amount was removed from object type CartPaymethod
✖ Field description was removed from object type CartPaymethod
✖ Field CartPaymethod.externalCode changed type from String! to String
✖ Field CartPaymethod.taxCode changed type from Taxcode! to Taxcode
✖ Field CartPaymethod.type changed type from String! to String
✖ Field postage was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Field postageNet was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Field postageTaxPercentage was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Field CartPostageData.priceMode changed type from PriceMode! to PriceMode
✖ Field CartPostageData.requestDate changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
✖ Field shippingMethod was removed from object type CartPostageData
✖ Input field postage was removed from input object type CartPostageDataInput
✖ Input field shippingMethod was removed from input object type CartPostageDataInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartProcessInput
✖ Field response was removed from object type CartProcessResponse
✖ Type CartResponse was removed
✖ Type CartResponseData was removed
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartSetUserInput
✖ Field taxCode was removed from object type CartTaxLevel
✖ Field discountGross was removed from object type CartTotal
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field icp was removed from input object type CartUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field url was removed from input object type CartUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field carrier was removed from input object type CartUpdateInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartUpdateInput
✖ Input field cartId was removed from input object type CartUpdateItemInput
✖ Input field itemId was removed from input object type CartUpdateItemInput
✖ Type CartUpdateItemsInput was removed
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type Category
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument sku: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field Category.products
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field crossupsells was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field description was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field drillDown was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field name was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field path (deprecated) was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field slug was removed from object type Cluster
✖ Field attribute was removed from object type ClusterDrillDown
✖ Field ClusterDrillDown.displayType changed type from ClusterDrillDownDisplayTypes! to ClusterDrillDownDisplayType!
✖ Type ClusterDrillDownDisplayTypes was removed
✖ Field description was removed from object type ClusterOption
✖ Field name was removed from object type ClusterOption
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from object type ClusterOption
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type Company
✖ Field id (deprecated) was removed from object type Company
✖ Field lastModifiedDate was removed from object type Company
✖ Input field lastModifiedDate was removed from input object type CompanySearchArguments
✖ Input field CompanySortInput.field changed type from CompanySortableFields! to CompanySortableField!
✖ Type CompanySortableFields was removed
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type Contact
✖ Field Contact.attributes changed type from [Attribute!]! to AttributeResultResponse
✖ Argument filter: AttributeFilterInput was removed from field Contact.attributes
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type Contact
✖ Field id (deprecated) was removed from object type Contact
✖ Field lastModifiedDate was removed from object type Contact
✖ Input field lastModifiedDate was removed from input object type ContactSearchArguments
✖ Input field ContactSortInput.field changed type from ContactSortableFields! to ContactSortableField!
✖ Type ContactSortableFields was removed
✖ Input field description was removed from input object type CreateProductInput
✖ Input field name was removed from input object type CreateProductInput
✖ Input field shortDescription was removed from input object type CreateProductInput
✖ Input field CreateProductInput.taxCode changed type from TaxCode to Taxcode
✖ Field clusterId was removed from object type Crossupsell
✖ Field item was removed from object type Crossupsell
✖ Field product (deprecated) was removed from object type Crossupsell
✖ Field productId was removed from object type Crossupsell
✖ Field subtype was removed from object type Crossupsell
✖ Field Crossupsell.type changed type from CrossupsellTypes! to CrossupsellType!
✖ Type CrossupsellInput was removed
✖ Type CrossupsellTypes was removed
✖ Type CrossupsellTypesInput was removed
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type Customer
✖ Field Customer.attributes changed type from [Attribute!]! to AttributeResultResponse
✖ Argument filter: AttributeFilterInput was removed from field Customer.attributes
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type Customer
✖ Field id (deprecated) was removed from object type Customer
✖ Field lastModifiedDate was removed from object type Customer
✖ Input field customerId was removed from input object type CustomerInput
✖ Input field lastModifiedDate was removed from input object type CustomerSearchArguments
✖ Input field CustomerSortInput.field changed type from CustomerSortableFields! to CustomerSortableField!
✖ Type CustomerSortableFields was removed
✖ Enum value amount was removed from enum DiscountType
✖ Enum value percentage was removed from enum DiscountType
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument sku: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.clusters
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument sku: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field FavoriteList.products
✖ Input field id was removed from input object type FilterAvailableAttributeInput
✖ Input field searchId was removed from input object type FilterAvailableAttributeInput
✖ Input field type was removed from input object type FilterAvailableAttributeInput
✖ Field textFilter was removed from interface IAttributeFilter
✖ Field description was removed from interface IBaseProduct
✖ Field name was removed from interface IBaseProduct
✖ Field path (deprecated) was removed from interface IBaseProduct
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from interface IBaseProduct
✖ Field slug was removed from interface IBaseProduct
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from interface IBaseUser
✖ Field id (deprecated) was removed from interface IBaseUser
✖ Field lastModifiedDate was removed from interface IBaseUser
✖ Field actionCode was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field bonusItems was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field carrier was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field carriers was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field cartId was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field channelId was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field couponCode was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field dateChanged was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field deliveryAddress was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field extra3 was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field extra4 was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field incentives was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field invoiceAddress was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field items was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field notes was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field orderStatus was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field payMethods was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field paymentData was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field postageData was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field reference was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field taxLevels was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field total was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field userId was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field valuePoints was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field vouchers was removed from interface ICart
✖ Field bundleId was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field deliveryDeadline was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field discount was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field discountPercentage was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field expectedDeliveryDate was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field id was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field notes was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field price was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field priceNet was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field productId was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field quantity was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field sum was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field sumNet was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field taxCode was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field totalPrice was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field totalPriceNet was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field totalSum was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field totalSumNet was removed from interface ICartBaseItem
✖ Field description was removed from interface ICluster
✖ Field drillDown was removed from interface ICluster
✖ Field name was removed from interface ICluster
✖ Field path (deprecated) was removed from interface ICluster
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from interface ICluster
✖ Field slug was removed from interface ICluster
✖ Field IClusterDrillDown.displayType changed type from ClusterDrillDownDisplayTypes! to ClusterDrillDownDisplayType!
✖ Field description was removed from interface IClusterOption
✖ Field name was removed from interface IClusterOption
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from interface IClusterOption
✖ Field dateChanged was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field description was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field econommicOrderQuantity was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field name was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field path (deprecated) was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field slug was removed from interface IProduct
✖ Field IProduct.taxCode changed type from TaxCode! to Taxcode!
✖ Field type was removed from interface ITenderBaseItem
✖ Field Mutation.cartAddActionCode changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument actionCode: String! was removed from field Mutation.cartAddActionCode
✖ Argument cartId: String! was removed from field Mutation.cartAddActionCode
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartAddActionCode
✖ Argument input: CartActionCodeInput! added to field Mutation.cartAddActionCode
✖ Field Mutation.cartAddBundle changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartAddBundle
✖ Field Mutation.cartAddItem changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartAddItem
✖ Field cartAddVoucherCode was removed from object type Mutation
✖ Field Mutation.cartDelete changed type from CartDeleteResponse! to Boolean!
✖ Argument cartId: String! was removed from field Mutation.cartDelete
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartDelete
✖ Field Mutation.cartDeleteItem changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartDeleteItem
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartProcess
✖ Field Mutation.cartRemoveActionCode changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument actionCode: String! was removed from field Mutation.cartRemoveActionCode
✖ Argument cartId: String! was removed from field Mutation.cartRemoveActionCode
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartRemoveActionCode
✖ Argument input: CartActionCodeInput! added to field Mutation.cartRemoveActionCode
✖ Field cartRemoveVoucherCode was removed from object type Mutation
✖ Field Mutation.cartSetUser changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartSetUser
✖ Argument channelId: Int was removed from field Mutation.cartStart
✖ Argument siteId: Int was removed from field Mutation.cartStart
✖ Argument userId: Int was removed from field Mutation.cartStart
✖ Field Mutation.cartUpdate changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartUpdate
✖ Field Mutation.cartUpdateAddress changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartUpdateAddress
✖ Field Mutation.cartUpdateItem changed type from CartResponse! to Cart!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.cartUpdateItem
✖ Argument itemId: String! added to field Mutation.cartUpdateItem
✖ Field cartUpdateItems was removed from object type Mutation
✖ Argument companyId: Int! was removed from field Mutation.companyDelete
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.companyDelete
✖ Argument id: Float! added to field Mutation.companyUpdate
✖ Argument contactId: Int! was removed from field Mutation.contactDelete
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.contactDelete
✖ Argument id: Float! added to field Mutation.contactUpdate
✖ Argument customerId: Int! was removed from field Mutation.customerDelete
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.customerDelete
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.customerUpdate
✖ Field permissionsInvalidateCache was removed from object type Mutation
✖ Argument productId: Int! added to field Mutation.productUpdate
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderAddItems
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderApplyIncentives
✖ Argument tenderId: String! was removed from field Mutation.tenderApplyIncentives
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderDelete
✖ Argument tenderId: String! was removed from field Mutation.tenderDelete
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderDeleteItem
✖ Argument input: TenderDeleteItemInput! was removed from field Mutation.tenderDeleteItem
✖ Argument itemId: String! added to field Mutation.tenderDeleteItem
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderProcess
✖ Argument tenderId: String! was removed from field Mutation.tenderProcess
✖ Type for argument input on field Mutation.tenderStart changed from TenderStart! to TenderStartInput!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdate
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdateAddress
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdateDiscount
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdateInvoiceUser
✖ Argument tenderid: String! was removed from field Mutation.tenderUpdateInvoiceUser
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdateItem
✖ Argument itemId: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdateItem
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdatePayment
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Mutation.tenderUpdatePostage
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.userDelete
✖ Argument userId: Int! was removed from field Mutation.userDelete
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.userUpdate
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.usergroupDelete
✖ Argument usergroupId: Int! was removed from field Mutation.usergroupDelete
✖ Argument id: Int! added to field Mutation.usergroupUpdate
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument sku: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.clusters
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument sku: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field Orderlist.products
✖ Type Permission was removed
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type Product
✖ Field Product.attributes changed type from [Attribute!]! to AttributeResultResponse
✖ Argument filter: AttributeFilterInput was removed from field Product.attributes
✖ Field crossupsells was removed from object type Product
✖ Field dateChanged was removed from object type Product
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type Product
✖ Field description was removed from object type Product
✖ Field econommicOrderQuantity was removed from object type Product
✖ Field isAllowed was removed from object type Product
✖ Field name was removed from object type Product
✖ Field path (deprecated) was removed from object type Product
✖ Field shortDescription was removed from object type Product
✖ Field slug was removed from object type Product
✖ Field Product.taxCode changed type from TaxCode! to Taxcode!
✖ Enum value cluster was removed from enum ProductClass
✖ Enum value product was removed from enum ProductClass
✖ Field availableAttributes (deprecated) was removed from object type ProductsResponse
✖ Field attributeClassIdsByNameAndValue was removed from object type Query
✖ Field Query.attributeDescription changed type from AttributeDescriptionResponse! to AttributeDescription!
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Query.attributeDescription
✖ Argument input: AttributeDescriptionSearchInput! was removed from field Query.attributeDescription
✖ Field Query.cart changed type from ICart! to Cart!
✖ Argument cartId: String! was removed from field Query.cart
✖ Argument id: String! added to field Query.cart
✖ Argument companyId: Float was removed from field Query.company
✖ Type for argument id on field Query.company changed from Float to Float!
✖ Argument contactId: Float was removed from field Query.contact
✖ Type for argument id on field Query.contact changed from Float to Float!
✖ Field contactAttributeValues was removed from object type Query
✖ Field Query.crossupsells changed type from [Crossupsell!]! to CrossupsellsResponse!
✖ Type for argument input on field Query.crossupsells changed from CrossupsellInput! to CrossupsellSearchInput
✖ Argument customerId: Float was removed from field Query.customer
✖ Type for argument id on field Query.customer changed from Float to Float!
✖ Field customerAttributeValues was removed from object type Query
✖ Field productAttributeValues was removed from object type Query
✖ Field productAttributes (deprecated) was removed from object type Query
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument sku: [String!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field Query.products
✖ Type for argument id on field Query.user changed from Float to Int
✖ Argument userId: Float was removed from field Query.user
✖ Field userAclList was removed from object type Query
✖ Field userAttributeValues was removed from object type Query
✖ Field userAttributes (deprecated) was removed from object type Query
✖ Type for argument id on field Query.usergroup changed from Float to Float!
✖ Argument usergroupId: Float was removed from field Query.usergroup
✖ Input field autoLogin was removed from input object type RegisterUserInput
✖ Input field createAccount was removed from input object type RegisterUserInput
✖ Field RegisterUserSession.accessToken changed type from String! to String
✖ Field RegisterUserSession.expirationTime changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
✖ Field RegisterUserSession.refreshToken changed type from String! to String
✖ Input field SearchFieldsInput.fieldNames changed type from [Searchablefields!]! to [ProductSearchableField!]!
✖ Type Searchablefields was removed
✖ Type SortInput was removed
✖ Type SortableFields was removed
✖ Argument EANCode: [String!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument classId: [Int!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument id: [Int!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument manufacturer: [String!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument manufacturerCode: [String!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument sort: [SortInput!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument status: [ProductStatus!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument supplier: [String!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument supplierCode: [String!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Argument tag: [String!] was removed from field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
✖ Field availableAttributes (deprecated) was removed from object type SparePartsResponse
✖ Type TaxCode was removed
✖ Field actionCode was removed from object type Tender
✖ Field date was removed from object type Tender
✖ Field Tender.debtorId changed type from String! to String
✖ Field Tender.firstName changed type from String! to String
✖ Field Tender.isEditable changed type from Boolean! to Boolean
✖ Field Tender.lastName changed type from String! to String
✖ Field Tender.middleName changed type from String! to String
✖ Input field TenderAddItemInput.deliveryDate changed type from DateTime to String
✖ Field fax was removed from object type TenderAddress
✖ Field url was removed from object type TenderAddress
✖ Enum value delivery was removed from enum TenderAddressType
✖ Enum value invoice was removed from enum TenderAddressType
✖ Field type was removed from object type TenderBaseItem
✖ Input field TenderChildItemInput.deliveryDate changed type from DateTime to String
✖ Type TenderDeleteItemInput was removed
✖ Input field tenderId was removed from input object type TenderDiscountInput
✖ Input field TenderDiscountInput.type changed type from DiscountType! to OrderDiscountType!
✖ Field type was removed from object type TenderMainItem
✖ Type TenderOrderItemType was removed
✖ Enum value dropshipment was removed from enum TenderOrderType
✖ Enum value purchase was removed from enum TenderOrderType
✖ Enum value quotation was removed from enum TenderOrderType
✖ Enum value stock was removed from enum TenderOrderType
✖ Field amountGross was removed from object type TenderPayment
✖ Field amountNet was removed from object type TenderPayment
✖ Field TenderPayment.overruled changed type from Boolean! to YesNo
✖ Input field amountGross was removed from input object type TenderPaymentInput
✖ Input field tenderId was removed from input object type TenderPaymentInput
✖ Field taxCode was removed from object type TenderPaymethod
✖ Field TenderPostage.carrier changed type from String! to String
✖ Field TenderPostage.overruled changed type from Boolean! to YesNo
✖ Field TenderPostage.partialDeliveryAllowed changed type from Boolean to YesNo
✖ Field postageGross was removed from object type TenderPostage
✖ Field postageNet was removed from object type TenderPostage
✖ Field TenderPostage.requestDate changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
✖ Field shippingMethod was removed from object type TenderPostage
✖ Field TenderPostage.trackTrace changed type from String! to String
✖ Input field TenderPostageInput.partialDeliveryAllowed changed type from Boolean to YesNo
✖ Input field postageGross was removed from input object type TenderPostageInput
✖ Input field TenderPostageInput.requestDate changed type from DateTime to String
✖ Input field shippingMethod was removed from input object type TenderPostageInput
✖ Input field tenderId was removed from input object type TenderPostageInput
✖ Type TenderStart was removed
✖ Field price was removed from object type TenderTaxLevel
✖ Field taxCode was removed from object type TenderTaxLevel
✖ Field TenderTotal.discountOverruled changed type from Boolean! to Boolean
✖ Field TenderTotal.discountPercentage changed type from Float! to Float
✖ Field TenderTotal.discountType changed type from DiscountType! to OrderDiscountType
✖ Field subTotal was removed from object type TenderTotal
✖ Field taxLevels was removed from object type TenderTotal
✖ Input field fax was removed from input object type TenderUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field tenderId was removed from input object type TenderUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field url was removed from input object type TenderUpdateAddressInput
✖ Input field tenderId was removed from input object type TenderUpdateInput
✖ Input field TenderUpdateItemInput.deliveryDate changed type from DateTime to String
✖ Input field itemId was removed from input object type TenderUpdateItemInput
✖ Input field tenderId was removed from input object type TenderUpdateItemInput
✖ Input field companyId was removed from input object type UpdateCompanyInput
✖ Input field contactId was removed from input object type UpdateContactInput
✖ Input field customerId was removed from input object type UpdateCustomerInput
✖ Input field description was removed from input object type UpdateProductInput
✖ Input field name was removed from input object type UpdateProductInput
✖ Input field productId was removed from input object type UpdateProductInput
✖ Input field shortDescription was removed from input object type UpdateProductInput
✖ Input field UpdateProductInput.taxCode changed type from TaxCode to Taxcode
✖ Input field userId was removed from input object type UpdateUserInput
✖ Input field usergroupId was removed from input object type UpdateUsergroupInput
✖ Field aclList was removed from object type User
✖ Field attributeValues was removed from object type User
✖ Field attributes (deprecated) was removed from object type User
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type User
✖ Field id (deprecated) was removed from object type User
✖ Field isAllowed was removed from object type User
✖ Field lastModifiedDate was removed from object type User
✖ Field dateCreated was removed from object type Usergroup
✖ Field lastModifiedDate was removed from object type Usergroup
✖ Input field UsergroupSortInput.field changed type from UsergroupSortableFields! to UsergroupSortableField!
✖ Type UsergroupSortableFields was removed
⚠ Input field classes of type [AttributeDescriptionClass!] was added to input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
⚠ Input field groups of type [String!] was added to input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
⚠ Input field ids of type [String!] was added to input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
⚠ Input field isSystem of type Boolean was added to input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
⚠ Input field names of type [String!] was added to input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
⚠ Input field sortInputs of type [AttributeDescriptionSortInput!] was added to input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
⚠ Input field types of type [AttributeType!] was added to input object type AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
⚠ Enum value COLOR was added to enum AttributeType
⚠ Enum value DATETIME was added to enum AttributeType
⚠ Enum value DECIMAL was added to enum AttributeType
⚠ Enum value ENUM was added to enum AttributeType
⚠ Enum value INT was added to enum AttributeType
⚠ Enum value TEXT was added to enum AttributeType
⚠ Input field CartAddBundleInput.quantity default value changed from undefined to 1
⚠ Input field clusterId of type Int was added to input object type CartAddItemInput
⚠ Input field CartAddItemInput.quantity default value changed from undefined to 1
⚠ Enum value DELIVERY was added to enum CartAddressType
⚠ Enum value INVOICE was added to enum CartAddressType
⚠ Input field notes of type String was added to input object type CartChildItemInput
⚠ Input field quantity of type Int was added to input object type CartChildItemInput
⚠ Input field price of type Float was added to input object type CartPaymentDataInput
⚠ Input field status of type String was added to input object type CartPaymentDataInput
⚠ Input field carrier of type String was added to input object type CartPostageDataInput
⚠ Input field method of type String was added to input object type CartPostageDataInput
⚠ Input field pickUpLocationId of type Int was added to input object type CartPostageDataInput
⚠ Input field price of type Float was added to input object type CartPostageDataInput
⚠ Input field CartUpdateItemInput.quantity default value changed from undefined to 1
⚠ Argument EANCodes: [String!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument classIds: [Int!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument ids: [Int!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument manufacturerCodes: [String!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument manufacturers: [String!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument skus: [String!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument sortInputs: [ProductSortInput!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument statuses: [ProductStatus!]! (with default value) added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument supplierCodes: [String!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument suppliers: [String!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Argument tags: [String!] added to field Category.products
⚠ Input field lastModifiedAt of type DateSearchInput was added to input object type CompanySearchArguments
⚠ Field Contact.attributes is no longer deprecated
⚠ Argument input: AttributeResultSearchInput added to field Contact.attributes
⚠ Input field lastModifiedAt of type DateSearchInput was added to input object type ContactSearchArguments
⚠ Input field taxZone of type String was added to input object type CreateBundleInput
⚠ Input field descriptions of type [LocalizedStringInput!] was added to input object type CreateProductInput
⚠ Input field names of type [LocalizedStringInput!] was added to input object type CreateProductInput
⚠ Input field shortDescriptions of type [LocalizedStringInput!] was added to input object type CreateProductInput
⚠ Field Customer.attributes is no longer deprecated
⚠ Argument input: AttributeResultSearchInput added to field Customer.attributes
⚠ Input field lastModifiedAt of type DateSearchInput was added to input object type CustomerSearchArguments
⚠ Enum value FLAT_FEE was added to enum DiscountType
⚠ Enum value PERCENTAGE was added to enum DiscountType
⚠ Argument EANCodes: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument classIds: [Int!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument ids: [Int!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument manufacturerCodes: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument manufacturers: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument skus: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument sortInputs: [ProductSortInput!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument statuses: [ProductStatus!]! (with default value) added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument supplierCodes: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument suppliers: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument tags: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.clusters
⚠ Argument EANCodes: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument classIds: [Int!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument ids: [Int!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument manufacturerCodes: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument manufacturers: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument skus: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument sortInputs: [ProductSortInput!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument statuses: [ProductStatus!]! (with default value) added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument supplierCodes: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument suppliers: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Argument tags: [String!] added to field FavoriteList.products
⚠ Input field ids of type [String!] was added to input object type FilterAvailableAttributeInput
⚠ Input field searchIds of type [String!] was added to input object type FilterAvailableAttributeInput
⚠ Input field types of type [AttributeType!] was added to input object type FilterAvailableAttributeInput
⚠ Argument input: CartStartInput added to field Mutation.cartStart
⚠ Enum value DROPSHIPMENT was added to enum OrderType
⚠ Enum value PURCHASE was added to enum OrderType
⚠ Enum value QUOTATION was added to enum OrderType
⚠ Enum value STOCK was added to enum OrderType
⚠ Enum value stock was added to enum OrderType
⚠ Argument EANCodes: [String!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument classIds: [Int!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument ids: [Int!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument manufacturerCodes: [String!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument manufacturers: [String!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument skus: [String!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument sortInputs: [ProductSortInput!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument statuses: [ProductStatus!]! (with default value) added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument supplierCodes: [String!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument suppliers: [String!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument tags: [String!] added to field Orderlist.clusters
⚠ Argument EANCodes: [String!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument classIds: [Int!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument ids: [Int!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument manufacturerCodes: [String!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument manufacturers: [String!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument skus: [String!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument sortInputs: [ProductSortInput!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument statuses: [ProductStatus!]! (with default value) added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument supplierCodes: [String!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument suppliers: [String!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Argument tags: [String!] added to field Orderlist.products
⚠ Field Product.attributes is no longer deprecated
⚠ Argument input: AttributeResultSearchInput added to field Product.attributes
⚠ Enum value CLUSTER was added to enum ProductClass
⚠ Enum value PRODUCT was added to enum ProductClass
⚠ Argument EANCodes: [String!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument classIds: [Int!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument ids: [Int!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument manufacturerCodes: [String!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument manufacturers: [String!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument skus: [String!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument sortInputs: [ProductSortInput!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument statuses: [ProductStatus!]! (with default value) added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument supplierCodes: [String!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument suppliers: [String!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Argument tags: [String!] added to field Query.products
⚠ Input field RangeFilterInput.type default value changed from decimal to undefined
⚠ Argument EANCodes: [String!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument classIds: [Int!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument ids: [Int!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument manufacturerCodes: [String!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument manufacturers: [String!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument skus: [String!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument sortInputs: [ProductSortInput!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument statuses: [ProductStatus!]! (with default value) added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument supplierCodes: [String!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument suppliers: [String!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Argument tags: [String!] added to field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts
⚠ Enum value DELIVERY was added to enum TenderAddressType
⚠ Enum value INVOICE was added to enum TenderAddressType
⚠ Input field quantity of type Int was added to input object type TenderChildItemInput
⚠ Enum value DROPSHIPMENT was added to enum TenderOrderType
⚠ Enum value PURCHASE was added to enum TenderOrderType
⚠ Enum value QUOTATION was added to enum TenderOrderType
⚠ Enum value STOCK was added to enum TenderOrderType
⚠ Input field price of type Float was added to input object type TenderPaymentInput
⚠ Input field method of type String was added to input object type TenderPostageInput
⚠ Input field price of type Float was added to input object type TenderPostageInput
⚠ Input field TextFilterInput.type default value changed from text to undefined
⚠ Input field taxZone of type String was added to input object type UpdateBundleInput
⚠ Input field descriptions of type [LocalizedStringInput!] was added to input object type UpdateProductInput
⚠ Input field names of type [LocalizedStringInput!] was added to input object type UpdateProductInput
⚠ Input field shortDescriptions of type [LocalizedStringInput!] was added to input object type UpdateProductInput
✔ Type AddOrderStatusesToOrderStatusSetInput was added
✔ Type AdminUser was added
✔ Type AdminUserSortField was added
✔ Type AdminUserSortInput was added
✔ Type AdminUserTenant was added
✔ Type AdminUserTenantsSearchInput was added
✔ Type AdminUsersSearchInput was added
✔ Type AttributeAttributeDescriptionSearchInput was added
✔ Type AttributeBulkResponse was added
✔ Type AttributeColorValue was added
✔ Type AttributeCreateInput was added
✔ Type AttributeDateTimeValue was added
✔ Type AttributeDecimalValue was added
✔ Field attributeClass was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field createdBy was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field defaultValue was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Description was removed from field AttributeDescription.description
✔ Field AttributeDescription.description is deprecated
✔ Field AttributeDescription.description has deprecation reason deprecated in favor of descriptions
✔ Field descriptions was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field AttributeDescription.group description changed from The group this attribute belongs to. to The group for this attribute.
✔ Field AttributeDescription.id description changed from The Name or Id of the Attribute as its defined in the Datebase to Autogenerated ID of the AttributeDescription'
✔ Field AttributeDescription.isHidden description changed from Flags whether this attribute us hidden and should
only be used for background operations. to Flags whether this attribute is hidden and should
only be used for background operations.
✔ Field AttributeDescription.isHidden changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
✔ Field AttributeDescription.isPublic description changed from Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating
product specs. to Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating
product specifications.
✔ Field AttributeDescription.isSearchable description changed from Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating
catalog page filters. to Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating
catalog page filters
✔ Field isSystem was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field lastModifiedBy was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field AttributeDescription.name description changed from The Name or Id of the Attribute as its defined in the Datebase to Descriptive identifier for this AttributeDescription'
✔ Field AttributeDescription.type description changed from The type of the attribute.
Possible values:
decimal to The type of the attribute. One of: [PRODUCT, CATEGORY, CLUSTER, CUSTOMER, CONTACT, COMPANY]
✔ Description was removed from field AttributeDescription.typeParam
✔ Field AttributeDescription.typeParam is deprecated
✔ Field AttributeDescription.typeParam has deprecation reason Deprecated in favor of valueset
✔ Field unit was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field units was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Field valuesetId was added to object type AttributeDescription
✔ Type AttributeDescriptionBulkResponse was added
✔ Type AttributeDescriptionClass was added
✔ Type AttributeDescriptionCreateInput was added
✔ Field AttributeDescriptionResponse.page description changed from The current page to The current page
✔ Description Only show attributes that are either hidden or not hidden.
Ommmit this argument to ignore this field was removed from input field AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.isHidden
✔ Description Only show attributes that are either public or not public.
Ommmit this argument to ignore this field was removed from input field AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.isPublic
✔ Description Only show attributes that are either searchable or not searchable.
Ommmit this argument to ignore this field was removed from input field AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.isSearchable
✔ Input field AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.offset changed type from Int! to Int
✔ Input field AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.page changed type from Int! to Int
✔ Type AttributeDescriptionSortField was added
✔ Type AttributeDescriptionSortInput was added
✔ Type AttributeDescriptionUpdateInput was added
✔ Type AttributeEnumValue was added
✔ Field AttributeFilter.decimalRangeFilter description changed from Minumum and maximum value range for decimal attributes to Minimum and maximum value range for decimal attributes
✔ Field AttributeFilter.id description changed from The Name or Id of the Atribute as its defined in the Database to The Name or Id of the Attribute as its defined in the Database
✔ Field AttributeFilter.integerRangeFilter description changed from Minumum and maximum value range for integer attributes to Minimum and maximum value range for integer attributes
✔ Field textFilters was added to object type AttributeFilter
✔ Type AttributeIntValue was added
✔ Type AttributeResponse was added
✔ Type AttributeResult was added
✔ Type AttributeResultResponse was added
✔ Type AttributeResultSearchInput was added
✔ Type AttributeSearchInput was added
✔ Type AttributeTextValue was added
✔ Description All attribute types on type AttributeType has changed to Available attribute types
✔ Type AttributeUpdateInput was added
✔ Object type AttributeValue has description Interface for the AttributeValue, where attribute value type derive from.
✔ Type AttributeValueInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRule was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleActionField was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleArrayExpression was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleArrayExpressionInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleArrayExpressionOperators was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleComplexExpression was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleComplexExpressionAction was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleCreateInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDateExpression was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDateExpressionInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDateExpressionOperators was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTable was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableAddColumnInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableColumnType was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableContent was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableDeleteColumnInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableDeleteRowInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableInputOutput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableMoveRowInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableRow was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableRowReorderDirection was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableSearchInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableSetCellInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleDecisionTableUpdateInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleEdge was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleExpressionGroup was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleExpressionGroupInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleExpressionGroupOperators was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleExpressionTypes was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleExpressionUnionInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleFieldDefinition was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleFieldDefinitionGroup was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleHitPolicyOption was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleNodeType was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleNumberExpression was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleNumberExpressionInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleNumberExpressionOperators was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleOutput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleResponse was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleSearchInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleStringExpression was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleStringExpressionInput was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleStringExpressionOperators was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleSubExpressionGroup was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleType was added
✔ Type BusinessRuleUpdateInput was added
✔ Field appliedIncentives was added to object type Cart
✔ Field Cart.bonusItems description changed from BonusItems that are added to this cart through incentives. to Bonus items that are added to this cart through incentives.
✔ Field Cart.cartId description changed from The carts primary identifier to The carts primary identifier'
✔ Field Cart.couponCode description changed from CouponCode that is applied to this cart. Is only filled when an valid couponCode is applied to Coupon code that is applied to this cart. Is only filled when a valid coupon code is applied
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Cart
✔ Field createdBy was added to object type Cart
✔ Field Cart.deliveryAddress description changed from The address the order should be send to. to The address the order should be sent to.
✔ Field Cart.invoiceAddress description changed from The address the invoice for the order should be send to. to The address the invoice for the order should be sent to.
✔ Field Cart.items description changed from The carts main items to The carts main items'
✔ Field language was added to object type Cart
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Cart
✔ Field lastModifiedBy was added to object type Cart
✔ Field shippingMethods was added to object type Cart
✔ Field shopId was added to object type Cart
✔ Field Cart.valuePoints description changed from Total amount of valuePoints that apply to this cart to Total amount of value-points that apply to this cart
✔ Field Cart.vouchers description changed from Array of applied voucherCodes that are applied to this cart. Is only filled when an valid action is applied to Array of voucher codes that are applied to this cart. Is only filled when a valid action is applied.
✔ Type CartActionCodeInput was added
✔ Input field CartAddBundleInput.bundleId description changed from Bundle ID of the cart item. to Bundle identifier
✔ Description Quantity value for this cart item. was removed from input field CartAddBundleInput.quantity
✔ Input field CartAddItemInput.productId description changed from Product ID of the cart item. to Product identifier
✔ Description Quantity value for this cart item. was removed from input field CartAddItemInput.quantity
✔ Field CartAddress.city description changed from City. to City
✔ Field CartAddress.code description changed from Code. to Code
✔ Field CartAddress.company description changed from The company name to Company name
✔ Field CartAddress.country description changed from Country. to Country
✔ Field CartAddress.email description changed from Email. to Email
✔ Field CartAddress.firstName description changed from First name. to First name
✔ Field CartAddress.gender description changed from Gender. to Gender
✔ Field CartAddress.lastName description changed from Last name. to Last name
✔ Field CartAddress.middleName description changed from Middle name. to Middle name
✔ Field CartAddress.mobile description changed from Mobile. to Mobile phone number
✔ Field CartAddress.notes description changed from Address notes. to Notes
✔ Field CartAddress.number description changed from House number. to Street number
✔ Field CartAddress.numberExtension description changed from House number extension. to Street number extension
✔ Field CartAddress.phone description changed from Phone. to Phone number
✔ Field CartAddress.postalCode description changed from Postal code. to Postal code
✔ Field CartAddress.region description changed from Region. to Region
✔ Field CartAddress.street description changed from Street name. to Street
✔ Field clusterId was added to object type CartBaseItem
✔ Field deliveryDate was added to object type CartBaseItem
✔ Field CartBaseItem.deliveryDeadline has description The deadline for delivery of this cart item.
✔ Field incentives was added to object type CartBaseItem
✔ Field itemId was added to object type CartBaseItem
✔ Field parentItemId was added to object type CartBaseItem
✔ Field priceMode was added to object type CartBaseItem
✔ Field surcharges was added to object type CartBaseItem
✔ Field code was added to object type CartCarrier
✔ Field deliveryDeadline was added to object type CartCarrier
✔ Field CartCarrier.logo description changed from Carriers logo to The carriers logo
✔ Field CartCarrier.name description changed from Carrier name to The carrier name
✔ Input field CartChildItemInput.productId description changed from Product ID of the child item. to Product identifier
✔ Description Cart item identifier. was removed from input field CartDeleteItemInput.itemId
✔ Field action was added to object type CartIncentive
✔ Field affectedItems was added to object type CartIncentive
✔ Field CartIncentive.name description changed from The name of the incentive to The incentive name
✔ Field params was added to object type CartIncentive
✔ Type CartIncentiveParams was added
✔ Type CartItemIncentive was added
✔ Type CartItemSurcharge was added
✔ Field CartMainItem.childItems has description The cart items child items, used when ordering products that are part of a configuration or bundle'
✔ Field clusterId was added to object type CartMainItem
✔ Field deliveryDate was added to object type CartMainItem
✔ Field CartMainItem.deliveryDeadline has description The deadline for delivery of this cart item.
✔ Field incentives was added to object type CartMainItem
✔ Field itemId was added to object type CartMainItem
✔ Field parentItemId was added to object type CartMainItem
✔ Field priceMode was added to object type CartMainItem
✔ Field surcharges was added to object type CartMainItem
✔ Field CartPaymentData.method description changed from The selected paymethod for this cart. Defaults to REKENING. to The selected paymethod for this cart. Defaults to ACCOUNT.
✔ Field price was added to object type CartPaymentData
✔ Field priceMode was added to object type CartPaymentData
✔ Field priceNet was added to object type CartPaymentData
✔ Field status was added to object type CartPaymentData
✔ Field statusDate was added to object type CartPaymentData
✔ Input field CartPaymentDataInput.method description changed from The selected paymethod for this cart. Defaults to REKENING. to The selected paymethod for this cart.
✔ Field CartPaymethod.code has description The paymethod code
✔ Field CartPaymethod.externalCode has description The external code
✔ Field name was added to object type CartPaymethod
✔ Field CartPaymethod.price has description The paymethod price
✔ Field CartPaymethod.taxCode has description The tax code
✔ Field CartPaymethod.type has description The paymethod type
✔ Field carrier was added to object type CartPostageData
✔ Field method was added to object type CartPostageData
✔ Field price was added to object type CartPostageData
✔ Field priceNet was added to object type CartPostageData
✔ Field taxPercentage was added to object type CartPostageData
✔ Description Is partial delivery allowed for this cart. was removed from input field CartPostageDataInput.partialDeliveryAllowed
✔ Input field CartProcessInput.language description changed from Language of the order. Defaults to users primary language to Language of the order that will be created from this cart. Order confirmation email will be sent in that language.'
✔ Input field CartProcessInput.orderStatus description changed from Order status for this cart. to Initial order status to set on the order that will be created from this cart
✔ Field cart was added to object type CartProcessResponse
✔ Field CartProcessResponse.cartOrderId has description The cart order identifier
✔ Input field CartSetUserInput.userId description changed from User identifier for this cart. to User unique identifier
✔ Type CartShippingMethod was added
✔ Type CartStartInput was added
✔ Field discount was added to object type CartTaxLevel
✔ Field taxPercentage was added to object type CartTaxLevel
✔ Field discount was added to object type CartTotal
✔ Field CartTotal.subTotal description changed from The total payable amount of all items in this cart,
so excluding postageCosts, paymethodsCosts and discounts. Excluding VAT to The total payable amount of all items in this cart,
excluding postage, paymethods costs and discounts. Excluding VAT
✔ Field CartTotal.subTotalNet description changed from The total payable amount of all items in this cart,
so excluding postageCosts, paymethodsCosts and discounts. Including VAT to The total payable amount of all items in this cart,
excluding postage, paymethods costs and discounts. Including VAT
✔ Description City. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.city
✔ Description Address code. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.code
✔ Description Company name. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.company
✔ Description Country. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.country
✔ Description Email address. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.email
✔ Description First name. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.firstName
✔ Description Gender. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.gender
✔ Description Last name. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.lastName
✔ Description Middle name. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.middleName
✔ Description Mobile phone number. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.mobile
✔ Description Customers address notes. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.notes'
✔ Input field CartUpdateAddressInput.number description changed from House number. to Street number
✔ Description House number extension. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.numberExtension
✔ Description Phone number. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.phone
✔ Description Postal code. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.postalCode
✔ Description Region. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.region
✔ Input field CartUpdateAddressInput.street description changed from Street. to Street name
✔ Description Address type. was removed from input field CartUpdateAddressInput.type
✔ Description Customers notes for this cart. was removed from input field CartUpdateInput.notes'
✔ Description Customers reference for this cart. was removed from input field CartUpdateInput.reference'
✔ Description Quantity value for this cart item. was removed from input field CartUpdateItemInput.quantity
✔ Field attributes was added to object type Category
✔ Description for argument hasBundle on field Category.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product in a bundle
✔ Description for argument isBundleLeader on field Category.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product a bundle leader
✔ Description for argument searchFields on field Category.products changed from Product supplier code to List of product search fields
✔ Type CategoryAttribute was added
✔ Field attributes was added to object type Cluster
✔ Deprecation reason on field Cluster.classId has changed from Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId to Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId
✔ Field Cluster.defaultLanguage description changed from The default language for this product or cluster,
this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language. to The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation available in a specific language.
✔ Field descriptions was added to object type Cluster
✔ Field drillDowns was added to object type Cluster
✔ Field Cluster.isHidden description changed from The hidden status of this resource. to The hidden status of this resource.
✔ Field names was added to object type Cluster
✔ Field shortDescriptions was added to object type Cluster
✔ Field slugs was added to object type Cluster
✔ Type ClusterAttribute was added
✔ Type ClusterDrillDownDisplayType was added
✔ Field descriptions was added to object type ClusterOption
✔ Field names was added to object type ClusterOption
✔ Field shortDescriptions was added to object type ClusterOption
✔ Field attributes was added to object type Company
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Company
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Company
✔ Type CompanyAttribute was added
✔ Input field CompanySearchArguments.usergroupId has description Usergroup unique identifier
✔ Input field CompanySortInput.order description changed from Sort ordering [desc or asc] to Sort ordering [ASC or DESC]
✔ Type CompanySortableField was added
✔ Field Contact.attributes description changed from Returns an array of legacy Attribute Entities to Lists attributes for this contacts based on the search input.
✔ Deprecation reason was removed from field Contact.attributes
✔ Field Contact.contactId description changed from The unique identifier of the contact. to The id of the contact.
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Contact
✔ Field externalId was added to object type Contact
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Contact
✔ Field userId was added to object type Contact
✔ Type ContactAttribute was added
✔ Input field ContactSortInput.order description changed from Sort contact ordering [desc or asc] to Sort contact ordering [ASC or DESC]
✔ Type ContactSortableField was added
✔ Type CreateOrderStatusInput was added
✔ Type CreateOrderStatusSetInput was added
✔ Input field CreateProductInput.manufacturerCode description changed from The manugacturer (OEM) code of the product. to The manufacturer (OEM) code of the product.
✔ Type CreateTenantDto was added
✔ Type CreateUserDto was added
✔ Field clusterFrom was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field clusterTo was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field id was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field productFrom was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field productTo was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field subType was added to object type Crossupsell
✔ Field Crossupsell.type description changed from Cross/Up Sell type to Cross/Upsell type
✔ Type CrossupsellCreateInput was added
✔ Type CrossupsellSearchInput was added
✔ Type CrossupsellSortField was added
✔ Type CrossupsellSortInput was added
✔ Type CrossupsellType was added
✔ Type CrossupsellUpdateInput was added
✔ Type CrossupsellsResponse was added
✔ Field Customer.attributes description changed from Returns an array of legacy Attribute Entities to Lists attributes for this customers based on the search input.
✔ Deprecation reason was removed from field Customer.attributes
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Customer
✔ Field externalId was added to object type Customer
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Customer
✔ Field userId was added to object type Customer
✔ Type CustomerAttribute was added
✔ Input field CustomerSortInput.order description changed from Sort customer ordering [desc or asc] to Sort customer ordering [ASC or DESC]
✔ Type CustomerSortableField was added
✔ Description for argument hasBundle on field FavoriteList.clusters changed from Product supplier code to Is product in a bundle
✔ Description for argument isBundleLeader on field FavoriteList.clusters changed from Product supplier code to Is product a bundle leader
✔ Description for argument searchFields on field FavoriteList.clusters changed from Product supplier code to List of product search fields
✔ Description for argument hasBundle on field FavoriteList.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product in a bundle
✔ Description for argument isBundleLeader on field FavoriteList.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product a bundle leader
✔ Description for argument searchFields on field FavoriteList.products changed from Product supplier code to List of product search fields
✔ Description Female was added to enum value Gender.F
✔ Description Male was added to enum value Gender.M
✔ Description Unknown was added to enum value Gender.U
✔ Field IAttributeFilter.decimalRangeFilter description changed from Minumum and maximum value range for decimal attributes to Minimum and maximum value range for decimal attributes
✔ Field IAttributeFilter.id description changed from The Name or Id of the Atribute as its defined in the Database to The Name or Id of the Attribute as its defined in the Database
✔ Field IAttributeFilter.integerRangeFilter description changed from Minumum and maximum value range for integer attributes to Minimum and maximum value range for integer attributes
✔ Field textFilters was added to interface IAttributeFilter
✔ Deprecation reason on field IBaseProduct.classId has changed from Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId to Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId
✔ Field IBaseProduct.defaultLanguage description changed from The default language for this product or cluster,
this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language. to The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation available in a specific language.
✔ Field descriptions was added to interface IBaseProduct
✔ Field IBaseProduct.isHidden description changed from The hidden status of this resource. to The hidden status of this resource.
✔ Field names was added to interface IBaseProduct
✔ Field shortDescriptions was added to interface IBaseProduct
✔ Field slugs was added to interface IBaseProduct
✔ Field createdAt was added to interface IBaseUser
✔ Field externalId was added to interface IBaseUser
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to interface IBaseUser
✔ Field userId was added to interface IBaseUser
✔ Type IBusinessRuleExpression was added
✔ Type IBusinessRuleNode was added
✔ Deprecation reason on field ICluster.classId has changed from Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId to Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId
✔ Field ICluster.defaultLanguage description changed from The default language for this product or cluster,
this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language. to The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation available in a specific language.
✔ Field descriptions was added to interface ICluster
✔ Field drillDowns was added to interface ICluster
✔ Field ICluster.isHidden description changed from The hidden status of this resource. to The hidden status of this resource.
✔ Field names was added to interface ICluster
✔ Field shortDescriptions was added to interface ICluster
✔ Field slugs was added to interface ICluster
✔ Description The interface for the ClusterDrillDown type, this describes the a clusters drill down cosfiguration. on type IClusterDrillDown has changed to The interface for the ClusterDrillDown type, this describes the a clusters drill down configuration.
✔ Field descriptions was added to interface IClusterOption
✔ Field names was added to interface IClusterOption
✔ Field shortDescriptions was added to interface IClusterOption
✔ Deprecation reason on field IProduct.classId has changed from Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId to Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId
✔ Field createdAt was added to interface IProduct
✔ Field IProduct.defaultLanguage description changed from The default language for this product or cluster,
this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language. to The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation available in a specific language.
✔ Field descriptions was added to interface IProduct
✔ Field economicOrderQuantity was added to interface IProduct
✔ Field IProduct.isHidden description changed from The hidden status of this resource. to The hidden status of this resource.
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to interface IProduct
✔ Field names was added to interface IProduct
✔ Field IProduct.productId description changed from This products classID to This products unique identifier
✔ Field shortDescriptions was added to interface IProduct
✔ Field slugs was added to interface IProduct
✔ Deprecation reason on field IResource.classId has changed from Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId to Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId
✔ Field IResource.isHidden description changed from The hidden status of this resource. to The hidden status of this resource.
✔ Description was removed from field ITenderBaseItem.id
✔ Field ITenderBaseItem.id is deprecated
✔ Field ITenderBaseItem.id has deprecation reason Deprecate, please use uuid instead
✔ Field incentive was added to interface ITenderBaseItem
✔ Field surcharges was added to interface ITenderBaseItem
✔ Field uuid was added to interface ITenderBaseItem
✔ Type IncentiveActions was added
✔ Type IncentiveDiscountType was added
✔ Type IncentiveRuleOrderItemSetCellInput was added
✔ Type IncentiveRuleSetActionInput was added
✔ Object type LocalizedStringArray has description A multivalue string representation of a type Field that is suitable for Localization
✔ Description for argument userId on field Mutation.addCompanyManager changed from The account manager added to the company to The account manager to be added to the company
✔ Field adminUserCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field adminUserDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field adminUserTenantCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field adminUserTenantDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field adminUserUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field attributeCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field attributeDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field attributeDescriptionCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field attributeDescriptionDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field attributeDescriptionUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field attributeUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTableAddColumn was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTableAddRow was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTableDeleteColumn was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTableDeleteRow was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTableMoveRow was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTableSetCell was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTableUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field businessRuleUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field cartInvalidateCache was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field crossupsellCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field crossupsellDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field crossupsellUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field incentiveRuleAddOrderCondition was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field incentiveRuleCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field incentiveRuleRemoveOrderCondition was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field incentiveRuleSetAction was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field incentiveRuleSetOrderItemConditions was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusSetAddOrderStatuses was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusSetCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusSetDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusSetRemoveOrderStatuses was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusSetUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field orderStatusUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field roleCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field roleDefinitionCreate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field roleDefinitionDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field roleDefinitionUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field roleDelete was added to object type Mutation
✔ Field roleUpdate was added to object type Mutation
✔ Description Type of the order discount value on type OrderDiscountType has changed to Order discount types
✔ Description Absolute discount was added to enum value OrderDiscountType.A
✔ Description No discount was added to enum value OrderDiscountType.N
✔ Description Percentage discount was added to enum value OrderDiscountType.P
✔ Type OrderItemIncentiveCode was added
✔ Input field OrderSearchArguments.status description changed from Only search for orders in these statusses to Only search for orders in these statuses
✔ Type OrderStatus was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSearchByInput was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSet was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSetSearchByInput was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSetSortField was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSetSortInput was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSetsResponse was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSetsSearchInput was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSortField was added
✔ Type OrderStatusSortInput was added
✔ Type OrderStatusType was added
✔ Type OrderStatusesResponse was added
✔ Type OrderStatusesSearchInput was added
✔ Description Available type of orders on type OrderType has changed to Available order types
✔ Description Dropshipment order was added to enum value OrderType.dropshipment
✔ Enum value OrderType.dropshipment was deprecated with reason Use DROPSHIPMENT instead
✔ Description Purchase order was added to enum value OrderType.purchase
✔ Enum value OrderType.purchase was deprecated with reason Use PURCHASE instead
✔ Description Quotation order was added to enum value OrderType.quotation
✔ Enum value OrderType.quotation was deprecated with reason Use QUOTATION instead
✔ Description for argument hasBundle on field Orderlist.clusters changed from Product supplier code to Is product in a bundle
✔ Description for argument isBundleLeader on field Orderlist.clusters changed from Product supplier code to Is product a bundle leader
✔ Description for argument searchFields on field Orderlist.clusters changed from Product supplier code to List of product search fields
✔ Description for argument hasBundle on field Orderlist.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product in a bundle
✔ Description for argument isBundleLeader on field Orderlist.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product a bundle leader
✔ Description for argument searchFields on field Orderlist.products changed from Product supplier code to List of product search fields
✔ Field Product.attributes description changed from Returns an array of legacy Attribute Entities to Lists attributes for this products based on the search input.
✔ Deprecation reason was removed from field Product.attributes
✔ Deprecation reason on field Product.classId has changed from Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId to Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Product
✔ Field crossupsellsFrom was added to object type Product
✔ Field crossupsellsTo was added to object type Product
✔ Field Product.defaultLanguage description changed from The default language for this product or cluster,
this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language. to The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation available in a specific language.
✔ Field descriptions was added to object type Product
✔ Field economicOrderQuantity was added to object type Product
✔ Field Product.isHidden description changed from The hidden status of this resource. to The hidden status of this resource.
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Product
✔ Field names was added to object type Product
✔ Field Product.productId description changed from This products classID to This products unique identifier
✔ Field shortDescriptions was added to object type Product
✔ Field slugs was added to object type Product
✔ Type ProductAttribute was added
✔ Type ProductSearchableField was added
✔ Type ProductSortField was added
✔ Type ProductSortInput was added
✔ Description All available product statuses on type ProductStatus has changed to Available product statuses
✔ Description Available was added to enum value ProductStatus.A
✔ Description Not available was added to enum value ProductStatus.N
✔ Description Phase out was added to enum value ProductStatus.P
✔ Description Restricted was added to enum value ProductStatus.R
✔ Description Presale was added to enum value ProductStatus.S
✔ Description Out of stock was added to enum value ProductStatus.T
✔ Description for argument filter on field ProductsResponse.filters changed from null to Deprecated!
✔ Field adminUser was added to object type Query
✔ Field adminUserTenant was added to object type Query
✔ Field adminUserViewer was added to object type Query
✔ Field adminUsers was added to object type Query
✔ Field attribute was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributeDescriptions was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributeResultByCategoryId was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributeResultByClusterId was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributeResultByCompanyId was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributeResultByContactId was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributeResultByCustomerId was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributeResultByProductId was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributes was added to object type Query
✔ Field attributesByProductId was added to object type Query
✔ Field businessRule was added to object type Query
✔ Field businessRuleDecisionTable was added to object type Query
✔ Field businessRuleFieldDefinitions was added to object type Query
✔ Field businessRuleJDM was added to object type Query
✔ Field businessRules was added to object type Query
✔ Description for argument id on field Query.company changed from Deprecated! use companyId instead to Company unique identifier
✔ Description for argument id on field Query.contact changed from Deprecated! use contactId instead to Contact unique identifier
✔ Field crossupsell was added to object type Query
✔ Description for argument id on field Query.customer changed from Deprecated! use customerId instead to Customer unique identifier
✔ Field incentiveRule was added to object type Query
✔ Field orderStatus was added to object type Query
✔ Field orderStatusSet was added to object type Query
✔ Field orderStatusSets was added to object type Query
✔ Field orderStatuses was added to object type Query
✔ Description for argument hasBundle on field Query.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product in a bundle
✔ Description for argument isBundleLeader on field Query.products changed from Product supplier code to Is product a bundle leader
✔ Description for argument searchFields on field Query.products changed from Product supplier code to List of product search fields
✔ Field role was added to object type Query
✔ Field roleDefinition was added to object type Query
✔ Field roleDefinitions was added to object type Query
✔ Field roles was added to object type Query
✔ Description for argument id on field Query.user changed from Deprecated! use userId instead to User unique identifier
✔ Description for argument login on field Query.user changed from null to User login email
✔ Description for argument id on field Query.usergroup changed from Deprecated! use usergroupId instead to Usergroup unique identifier
✔ Field RegisterUserResponse.session has description The session information
✔ Field RegisterUserResponse.user has description The user that was registered
✔ Field RegisterUserSession.accessToken has description JWT Bearer access token
✔ Field RegisterUserSession.expirationTime has description Expiration time
✔ Field RegisterUserSession.refreshToken has description Refresh token
✔ Type RemoveOrderStatusesFromOrderStatusSetInput was added
✔ Type Role was added
✔ Type RoleAccess was added
✔ Type RoleCreateInput was added
✔ Type RoleDefininitionSearchInput was added
✔ Type RoleDefinition was added
✔ Type RoleDefinitionCreateInput was added
✔ Type RoleDefinitionResponse was added
✔ Type RoleDefinitionSortInput was added
✔ Type RoleDefinitionSortableFields was added
✔ Type RoleDefinitionUpdateInput was added
✔ Type RoleResponse was added
✔ Type RoleSearchInput was added
✔ Type RoleSortInput was added
✔ Type RoleSortableFields was added
✔ Type RoleUpdateInput was added
✔ Description Ascending order was added to enum value SortOrder.ASC
✔ Description Descending order was added to enum value SortOrder.DESC
✔ Description Ascending order was added to enum value SortOrder.asc
✔ Enum value SortOrder.asc was deprecated with reason Use ASC instead
✔ Description Descending order was added to enum value SortOrder.desc
✔ Enum value SortOrder.desc was deprecated with reason Use DESC instead
✔ Description for argument hasBundle on field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts changed from Product supplier code to Is product in a bundle
✔ Description for argument isBundleLeader on field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts changed from Product supplier code to Is product a bundle leader
✔ Description for argument searchFields on field SparePartsMachine.sparePartProducts changed from Product supplier code to List of product search fields
✔ Description All supported taxcodes on type Taxcode has changed to All supported tax codes
✔ Description High tax rate was added to enum value Taxcode.H
✔ Description Low tax rate was added to enum value Taxcode.L
✔ Description No tax rate was added to enum value Taxcode.N
✔ Type TenantResponse was added
✔ Field bonusItems was added to object type Tender
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Tender
✔ Field currency was added to object type Tender
✔ Field currencyRatio was added to object type Tender
✔ Field language was added to object type Tender
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Tender
✔ Field ownerId was added to object type Tender
✔ Field taxLevels was added to object type Tender
✔ Input field TenderAddItemInput.deliveryDate description changed from Delivery date to Delivery date - ISO 8601 Date string
✔ Input field TenderAddItemsInput.forceAdd description changed from If set to true and an existing item for the same product is found, a new tender item will be created. Existing items are updated by default to If set to true and an existing item for the same product is found, a new tender item will be created. Existing items are updated by default. Defaults to false
✔ Description was removed from field TenderBaseItem.id
✔ Field TenderBaseItem.id is deprecated
✔ Field TenderBaseItem.id has deprecation reason Deprecate, please use uuid instead
✔ Field incentive was added to object type TenderBaseItem
✔ Field surcharges was added to object type TenderBaseItem
✔ Field uuid was added to object type TenderBaseItem
✔ Input field TenderChildItemInput.deliveryDate description changed from Delivery date to Delivery date - ISO 8601 Date string
✔ Type TenderItemIncentive was added
✔ Type TenderItemSurcharge was added
✔ Description was removed from field TenderMainItem.id
✔ Field TenderMainItem.id is deprecated
✔ Field TenderMainItem.id has deprecation reason Deprecated, please use uuid instead
✔ Field incentive was added to object type TenderMainItem
✔ Field surcharges was added to object type TenderMainItem
✔ Field uuid was added to object type TenderMainItem
✔ Description Order types on type TenderOrderType has changed to Tender Order Types
✔ Field TenderPayment.overruled description changed from If false, payment costs are automatically calculated to If false, shipping costs are automatically calculated
✔ Field price was added to object type TenderPayment
✔ Field priceNet was added to object type TenderPayment
✔ Field method was added to object type TenderPostage
✔ Field price was added to object type TenderPostage
✔ Field priceNet was added to object type TenderPostage
✔ Field tax was added to object type TenderPostage
✔ Input field TenderPostageInput.partialDeliveryAllowed description changed from This order can be shipped in parts when items different delivery dates to This order can be shipped in parts when items have different delivery dates
✔ Input field TenderPostageInput.requestDate description changed from The preferred delivery date for this order as requested by the user to The preferred delivery date for this order as requested by the user - ISO 8601 Date string
✔ Type TenderStartInput was added
✔ Field discount was added to object type TenderTaxLevel
✔ Field percentage was added to object type TenderTaxLevel
✔ Field tax was added to object type TenderTaxLevel
✔ Field total was added to object type TenderTaxLevel
✔ Field TenderTotal.discountOverruled is deprecated
✔ Field TenderTotal.discountOverruled has deprecation reason Not used anymore
✔ Field subTotalGross was added to object type TenderTotal
✔ Input field TenderUpdateItemInput.deliveryDate description changed from Delivery date to Delivery date - ISO 8601 Date string
✔ Type UpdateOrderStatusInput was added
✔ Type UpdateOrderStatusSetInput was added
✔ Input field UpdateProductInput.manufacturerCode description changed from The manugacturer (OEM) code of the product. to The manufacturer (OEM) code of the product.
✔ Type UpdateUserDto was added
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type User
✔ Field externalId was added to object type User
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type User
✔ Input field UserManagementAttributeSearchInput.enumValue description changed from Enumeration value for the attribute, required when type equals enum or enumlist. Values in this field can be multivalue. to Enumeration value for the attribute, required when type is enum. Values in this field can be multi value.
✔ Input field UserManagementAttributeSearchInput.textValue description changed from Textual value(s) for the attribute, required when attribute type equals text, list or color. This value is suitable for Localization. to Textual value(s) for the attribute, required when attribute type equals text or color. This value is suitable for Localization.
✔ Input field UserManagementAttributeValueInput.enumValue description changed from Enumeration value for the attribute, required when type equals enum or enumlist. Values in this field can be multivalue. to Enumeration value for the attribute, required when type is enum. Values in this field can be multi value.
✔ Input field UserManagementAttributeValueInput.textValue description changed from Textual value(s) for the attribute, required when attribute type equals text, list or color. This value is suitable for Localization. to Textual value(s) for the attribute, required when attribute type equals text or color. This value is suitable for Localization.
✔ Type UserResponse was added
✔ Field createdAt was added to object type Usergroup
✔ Field lastModifiedAt was added to object type Usergroup
✔ Input field UsergroupSortInput.order description changed from Sort ordering [desc or asc] to Sort ordering [ASC or DESC]
✔ Type UsergroupSortableField was added
✔ Description Boolean in yes/No format on type YesNo has changed to Boolean in Yes/No format
error Detected 494 breaking changes