Front End Integration
Your Front Ends are critical to your business, providing visibility for your products and services as well as sourcing leads for your sales pipeline. You are free to choose the best CMS for your commercial and marketing needs and Propeller will power the commerce journey through the GraphQL API.
You can make use of product or customer information as needed for embedding personalized commerce data within website pages, email campaigns or through social media platforms.
Propeller Front End Plugins
Propeller has created an open source plugins for both Vue Storefront 2 integration and Wordpress integration that take care of all the heavy lifting when it comes to launching your new headless webshop.
API Client
Both Vue Storefront and Wordpress plugins include our API Client that handles the communication with the Propeller GraphQL API. Once you've configured your Propeller API key, you'll immediately be able to access all your commerce data through the client.
The client also contains the pre-written GraphQL queries to power your commerce experiences and provides a translation layer for the front end. In practice this means you're building your front end using native methods and the API Client translates this into Propeller so the correct data can be stored or fetched.
Composables / Templates
For Vue Storefront we provide a series of composables, for Wordpress there are page templates. Either way, they cover all the core commerce functionality you need for your front end, including your catalog and product descriptions, basket, checkout and "My Account" self-service portal and inherit your site's theme and styling.
The templates are updated by our engineering team, to ensure they're always using the latest B2B commerce features available through our APIs. New versions of our plugins will include these updates allowing you to immediately take advantage of any improvements.
If the default templates don't quite fit your use case, you can easily tweak the files or build your own replacement templates to create a very unique experience.
Custom pages or composables can also use the API Client to get data from Propeller. The GraphQL queries can be accessed from the commerce methods (or short-codes for Wordpress) giving you many shortcuts to populating your commerce journeys.