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Navigate the product catalogue


To navigate the product catalogue in the Sales Portal of Propeller Commerce and view customer-specific pricing and assortment aligned to the webshop, ensuring higher sales productivity.

Step 1: Access the Sales Portal

  1. From the backoffice menu select Sales.
  2. The Sales Portal is divided into five sections: Companies, Requests, Quotes, Orders, and Product Catalogue.
  3. Select Product Catalogue.

Navigate the product catalogue

Step 2: Adjust the Default View

  1. By default you see all products and prices for the Anonymous user.
  2. Use the drop-down menus to select the Company and Contact whose products and prices you need to view.

Navigate the product catalogue

  1. Select any previously created filters to narrow down your results.

Navigate the product catalogue

  1. Use the Search bar at the top to find specific products.

Navigate the product catalogue

Step 3: View Product Details

  1. Click a product to open a detailed view where all product information is shown.

Navigate the product catalogue

  1. Explore any option within the product view for additional details.