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Changing the description of products

Step 1

Search for the desired product by product code or name via the PIM module > Products & Clusters. Click to open the product.

How to change desc d1

Step 2

In the general overview of the product, scroll down to the Description fields. Here you can change/add short and long description of the product.

How to change desc d2

Step 3

Additional details such as dimensions (height, weight, depth etc) can also be added in this section of the product.

How to change desc d3

Step 4

After you are done editing, scroll up and save the changes.

How to change desc d4


Clicking the 'Save' button in the product is always required for description changes. Saving is not required for uploading images, adding bundles etc. If the save button is greyed out and you have applied some changes by uploading, it means that the changes were automatically applied/saved.