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Create a pricesheet

A pricesheet is a net-price and discount list that is not linked to a specific User or Usergroup but instead, the discount list is linked to a unique ID. One or multiple IDs can be linked to a user and when that ID is linked to the user, the user gets the discounts from that pricesheet.

To create a new Pricesheet, go to the Pricing section in the side menu and click on New Pricesheet:

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When you choose to create a new Pricesheet, you will need to fill in couple of fields:

  • a code, which is the ID that is stored with the pricesheet records;
  • priority
  • a name
  • a description, which can be the same as the Pricesheet name

Once this information is filled, press Save to apply the changes:

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You cannot proceed with filling in the Discount and the Link Table fields without saving the Pricesheet general info first.

Now that the general info is saved, you can proceed with adding a Discount item. You can either add a dicount for a whole Category or one or more products:

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Select the product (s) you want to add a discount for and click on Add products:

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From here, you can set the discount for each product separately and adjust the remaining settings (value, quantity, validity period):

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The last field to be populated is the Link Table one, where you can assign one or more users (Companies, Contacts or Customers) to some of the existing pricesheets:

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