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Products are the sellable goods in an e-commerce shop on the Propeller platform. They are usually organized hierarchically in categories. The Product API can be used to consult, create, update or delete a Product.

Product Lookup keys

idintegerPropeller product id, auto-generated
sourceIdstringExternal system unique id. sourceId should be combined with source
skustringProduct SKU/ code
code (deprecated)stringProduct code
supplierCodestringProduct code as known to the product supplier. supplierCode should be combined with supplier

What are lookup keys?


namesProduct namearray[LocalizedString]
languageProduct default languagestring
ISO 639-1
parentParent categoryJSON object that identifies the parent. id or sourceId in combination with source
skuProduct SKU (code)string
unitThe number of packages that need to be ordered when adding an item to the basketinteger
statusProduct statusenum

N=Not available
T=Out of stock
P=Phase out
descriptionsProduct descriptionarray[LocalizedString]
shortNameProduct short namestring
shortDescriptionsProduct short descriptionsarray[LocalizedString]
taxCodeProduct tax codeenum

supplierProduct supplierstring
supplierCodeProduct code as known to the product supplierstring
oemCodeProduct manufacturer codestring
eanCodeProduct EAN codestring
minimumQuantityMinimum orderable quantityinteger
packagePackage (e.g. piece, sheet, etc.)string
packageDescriptionsDescription of package and
package units inside a
package (e.g. Box of 650 sheets of paper)
notesProduct notes/ remarksarray[LocalizedString]
sourceIdExternal system unique idstring
sourceExternal systemstring
keywordsKeywords of this product per language. Added by the supplierarray[LocalizedString]
customKeywordsAdditional keywords of this product per language. Added via the PIMarray[LocalizedString]
statusExtraThe extra status of this product, commonly linked to a custom valuesetstring
orderableIndicates whether the product is orderableenum

Y = Yes
N = No
orderableFromThe orderable from date of this productdate
orderableToThe orderable from to of this productdate
releaseDateThe release date of this productdate
returnableIndicates whether the product is returnableenum

Y = Yes
N = No
physicalIs it a physical product or a service, download or warrantyenum

Y = Yes
N = No
barCodeThe bar code of this productstring
widthProduct widthstring
heightProduct heightstring
depthProduct depthstring
weightProduct weightstring
packageUnitThe amount of items per packagestring
packageUnitQuantityThe quantifier for the package unit, i.e.: PIECE or BOXstring
purchaseMinimumQuantityThe minimum quantity of products that can be ordered when creating a purchase orderinteger
purchaseUnitThe unit in which the product can be ordered when creating a purchase orderinteger
economicOrderQuantityThe quantity that provides the best value for money for this productinteger
metadataTitlesMetadata titlearray[LocalizedString]
metadataDescriptionsMetadata descriptionarray[LocalizedString]
metadataKeywordsMetadata keywordsarray[LocalizedString]
metadataCanonicalUrlsMetadata canonical URLarray[LocalizedString]
prioritySort products based on the priority in search resultsinteger
hiddenControls product visibilityenum

Y = Yes
N = No

Product Errors

This section describes error codes specific for the Product resource.

CodeError TypeStatus CodeMessageReason
80004ProductExists400Product already existsCategory with such lookup key already exists
80005ProductMultipleFound400Multuple products found. Please provide additional filtersMultiple products with such lookup key exist
80006ProductNotFound404Product does not existProduct with such lookup key not found
80007ParentProductNotFound404Parent product not foundParent product with such lookup key not found. This error is typical when working with product sub-resources (e.g. attributes)
80008ProductNotAllowed405Product is not allowedNo permission for the product