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Categories are used in order to organize your product catalogue within your e-commerce platform. They work as hierarchical levels of product classification. There are no limits to the number of levels of categories, though it is recommended not to use too many levels. One product can belong to only one category. The same applies to categories, a category can have only one parent category.

Category Lookup keys

idintegerPropeller category id, auto-generated
sourceIdstringExternal system unique id. sourceId should be combined with source

What are lookup keys?


namesCategory namearray[LocalizedString]
descriptionsCategory descriptionarray[LocalizedString]
shortDescriptionsCategory short descriptionarray[LocalizedString]
languageCategory default language.string
ISO 639-1
parentParent category.JSON object that identifies the parent. id or sourceId in combination with source
sourceIdExternal system unique idstring
sourceExternal systemstring
metadataTitlesMetadata titlearray[LocalizedString]
metadataDescriptionsMetadata descriptionarray[LocalizedString]
metadataKeywordsMetadata keywordsarray[LocalizedString]
metadataCanonicalUrlsMetadata canonical URLarray[LocalizedString]
hiddenControls category visibilityenum

Y = Yes
N = No

Category Errors

This section describes error codes specific for the Category resource.

CodeError TypeStatus CodeMessageReason
30004CategoryExists400Category already existsCategory with such lookup key already exists
30005CategoryMultipleFound400Multuple categories found. Please provide additional filtersMultiple categories with such lookup key exist
30006CategoryNotFound404Category does not existCategory with such lookup key not found
30007ParentCategoryNotFound404Parent category not foundParent category with such lookup key not found. This error is typical when working with category sub-resources (e.g. attributes)