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input TransformationInput {
auto: Auto
bgColor: String
blur: Float
brightness: Int
canvas: CanvasInput
contrast: Int
crop: CropInput
disable: FeaturesEnableDisable
dpr: Int
fit: Fit
format: Format
frame: Int
height: Float
level: Level
optimize: Optimize
orient: Orient
pad: PadInput
precrop: CropInput
profile: String
quality: Float
resizeFilter: ResizeFilter
saturation: Int
sharpen: SharpenInput
trim: TrimInput
width: Int

Fields ● Auto enum

Enable optimization features automatically.

TransformationInput.bgColor ● String scalar

Set the background color of an image.

TransformationInput.blur ● Float scalar

Set the blurriness of the output image.

TransformationInput.brightness ● Int scalar

Set the brightness of the output image.

TransformationInput.canvas ● CanvasInput input

Increase the size of the canvas around an image.

TransformationInput.contrast ● Int scalar

Set the contrast of the output image.

TransformationInput.crop ● CropInput input

Remove pixels from an image.

TransformationInput.disable ● FeaturesEnableDisable enum

Disable functionality that is enabled by default.

TransformationInput.dpr ● Int scalar

Serve correctly sized images for devices that expose a device pixel ratio. ● Fit enum

Set how the image will fit within the size bounds provided.

TransformationInput.format ● Format enum

Specify the output format to convert the image to.

TransformationInput.frame ● Int scalar

Extract the first frame from an animated image sequence.

TransformationInput.height ● Float scalar

Resize the height of the image.

TransformationInput.level ● Level enum

Specify the level constraints when converting to video.

TransformationInput.optimize ● Optimize enum

Automatically apply optimal quality compression.

TransformationInput.orient ● Orient enum

Change the cardinal orientation of the image.

TransformationInput.pad ● PadInput input

Add pixels to the edge of an image.

TransformationInput.precrop ● CropInput input

Remove pixels from an image before any other transformations occur.

TransformationInput.profile ● String scalar

Specify the profile class of application when converting to video.

TransformationInput.quality ● Float scalar

Optimize the image to the given compression level for lossy file formatted images.


  1. The quality parameter can be applied to the following output formats: png8, jpg, pjpg, webp, and webply.
  2. If no quality parameter is present for jpg, pjpg, or webp, the output image will be returned at the default value set in the Image Optimizer user interface.

TransformationInput.resizeFilter ● ResizeFilter enum

Specify the resize filter used when resizing images.

TransformationInput.saturation ● Int scalar

Set the saturation of the output image.

The saturation parameter increases or decreases the intensity of the colors in an image.


  1. The default value is 0. This leaves the image unchanged.
  2. Valid values range from -100 to 100
  3. A value of -100 will generate a grayscale image.

TransformationInput.sharpen ● SharpenInput input

Set the sharpness of the output image.

TransformationInput.trim ● TrimInput input

Remove pixels from the edge of an image.

TransformationInput.width ● Int scalar

Resize the width of the image.

The width value may be one of:

  • Absolute width: An integer between 1 and 8192.
  • Relative width: A fraction between 0 and 0.99 (e.g. ,0.5) or a percentage between 0 and 100 followed by the letter p (e.g., 50p). In either case the value indicates the desired width relative to the image's natural width.

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ImageTransformationInput input