📄️ Address
No description
📄️ AdminUserTenant
No description
📄️ AdminUser
No description
📄️ AttributeBulkResponse
No description
📄️ AttributeColorValue
No description
📄️ AttributeDateTimeValue
No description
📄️ AttributeDecimalRangeFilter
No description
📄️ AttributeDecimalValue
No description
📄️ AttributeDescriptionBulkResponse
No description
📄️ AttributeDescriptionResponse
No description
📄️ AttributeDescription
No description
📄️ AttributeEnumValue
No description
📄️ AttributeFilter
No description
📄️ AttributeIntValue
No description
📄️ AttributeIntegerRangeFilter
No description
📄️ AttributeResponse
No description
📄️ AttributeResultResponse
No description
📄️ AttributeResult
The AttributeResult is an entity that gets returned when a search is done on attributes from a Class' perspective.
📄️ AttributeTextFilter
No description
📄️ AttributeTextValue
No description
📄️ Base64File
No description
📄️ BulkCostPriceResponse
No description
📄️ BulkCostPrice
No description
📄️ BulkPriceResponse
No description
📄️ BulkPrice
No description
📄️ BulkResponseData
No description
📄️ BundleItem
No description
📄️ BundlePrice
No description
📄️ Bundle
No description
📄️ BundlesResponse
No description
📄️ BusinessHours
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleActionField
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleArrayExpression
Represents a business rule array expression
📄️ BusinessRuleComplexExpression
Represents a business rule complex expression
📄️ BusinessRuleDateExpression
Represents a business rule date expression
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell
Represents a single cell in a decisionTable,
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableContent
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableInputOutput
Definition of a decisionTable's input or output column
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableRow
Represents a single row in a business rule decision table.
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTable
Represents a single decision table node in the graph, each table can contain multiple rows.
📄️ BusinessRuleEdge
Edges link nodes in a grapgh together,
📄️ BusinessRuleExpressionGroup
Represents a business rule expression group
📄️ BusinessRuleFieldDefinitionGroup
Represents a business rule field definition group
📄️ BusinessRuleFieldDefinition
Represents a business rule field definition
📄️ BusinessRuleInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleNumberExpression
Represents a business rule number expression
📄️ BusinessRuleOutput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleResponse
Paginated response of a BusinessRule search query
📄️ BusinessRuleStringExpression
Represents a business rule string expression
📄️ BusinessRuleSubExpressionGroup
Represents a business rule expression group when used as sub-expressions in a complex expression
📄️ BusinessRule
Represents a BusinessRule Graph or Set, each business rule set consist of at least one inputNode,
📄️ Carrier
No description
📄️ CarriersResponse
No description
📄️ CartAddress
No description
📄️ CartBaseItem
No description
📄️ CartCarrier
No description
📄️ CartIncentiveParams
No description
📄️ CartIncentive
No description
📄️ CartItemIncentive
No description
📄️ CartItemSurcharge
No description
📄️ CartMainItem
No description
📄️ CartPaymentData
No description
📄️ CartPaymethod
No description
📄️ CartPostageData
No description
📄️ CartProcessResponse
No description
📄️ CartResponse
No description
📄️ CartShippingMethod
No description
📄️ CartTaxLevel
No description
📄️ CartTotal
No description
📄️ CartUnOrderableItem
No description
📄️ CartVoucher
No description
📄️ Cart
No description
📄️ CategoryActionsData
No description
📄️ CategoryActionsResponse
No description
📄️ CategoryAddProductsClustersResponse
No description
📄️ CategoryAttribute
No description
📄️ CategoryRemoveProductsClustersResponse
No description
📄️ CategoryResponse
No description
📄️ Category
No description
📄️ Channel
No description
📄️ ClusterAttribute
No description
📄️ ClusterConfigResponse
No description
📄️ ClusterConfigSettingResponse
No description
📄️ ClusterConfigSetting
No description
📄️ ClusterConfig
No description
📄️ ClusterDrillDown
No description
📄️ ClusterOption
No description
📄️ Cluster
No description
📄️ CompaniesResponse
No description
📄️ CompanyAddressSearch
No description
📄️ CompanyAttributeDescriptionSearch
No description
📄️ CompanyAttributeSearch
No description
📄️ CompanyAttributeValueSearch
No description
📄️ CompanyAttribute
No description
📄️ CompanyContactSearch
No description
📄️ CompanySearchResponse
No description
📄️ CompanySearch
No description
📄️ Company
No description
📄️ ConfirmationResponse
No description
📄️ ContactActionsData
No description
📄️ ContactActionsResponse
No description
📄️ ContactAddToCompaniesResponse
No description
📄️ ContactAttribute
No description
📄️ ContactRemoveFromCompaniesResponse
No description
📄️ Contact
No description
📄️ ContactsResponse
No description
📄️ Crossupsell
No description
📄️ CrossupsellsResponse
No description
📄️ CsvImportResponse
No description
📄️ CsvRecordError
No description
📄️ CustomerAttribute
No description
📄️ Customer
No description
📄️ CustomersResponse
No description
📄️ DeleteMediaAttachmentResponse
No description
📄️ DeleteMediaDocumentResponse
No description
📄️ DeleteMediaImageResponse
No description
📄️ DeleteMediaVideoResponse
No description
📄️ DiscountResponse
No description
📄️ Discount
No description
📄️ EnrolledFactor
Multi-factor authentication details for the user
📄️ ExternalAddress
No description
📄️ FavoriteList
No description
📄️ FavoriteListsResponse
No description
📄️ Firebase
No description
📄️ GCIPMetadata
No description
📄️ GCIPProviderData
No description
📄️ GCIPUser
Google Cloud Identity Platform User
📄️ ImageVariant
No description
📄️ InventoryDeleteResponse
No description
📄️ InventoryResponse
No description
📄️ Inventory
No description
📄️ LocalizedAttachment
No description
📄️ LocalizedDocument
No description
📄️ LocalizedImage
No description
📄️ LocalizedStringArray
A multivalue string representation of a type Field that is suitable for Localization
📄️ LocalizedString
A String representation of a type Field that is suitable for Localization
📄️ LocalizedVideo
No description
📄️ Login
No description
📄️ Logout
No description
📄️ MediaAttachment
No description
📄️ MediaDocument
No description
📄️ MediaImage
No description
📄️ MediaVideo
No description
📄️ Media
No description
📄️ MultiFactor
No description
📄️ OrderItem
No description
📄️ OrderMedia
No description
📄️ OrderPaymentData
No description
📄️ OrderPostageData
No description
📄️ OrderResponse
No description
📄️ OrderStatusSet
No description
📄️ OrderStatusSetsResponse
No description
📄️ OrderStatus
No description
📄️ OrderStatusesResponse
No description
📄️ OrderTotalTaxPercentage
No description
📄️ OrderTotals
No description
📄️ Order
No description
📄️ Orderlist
No description
📄️ OrderlistsResponse
No description
📄️ PaginatedMediaAttachmentResponse
No description
📄️ PaginatedMediaDocumentResponse
No description
📄️ PaginatedMediaImageResponse
No description
📄️ PaginatedMediaVideoResponse
No description
📄️ PayMethod
No description
📄️ PayMethodsResponse
No description
📄️ Payment
No description
📄️ PaymentsResponse
No description
📄️ PriceResponse
No description
📄️ Price
No description
📄️ PricesheetResponse
No description
📄️ Pricesheet
No description
📄️ ProductAttribute
No description
📄️ ProductDefaultPrice
No description
📄️ ProductInventory
No description
📄️ ProductMedia
No description
📄️ ProductOffer
No description
📄️ ProductPrice
No description
📄️ Product
No description
📄️ ProductsResponse
No description
📄️ PublishEmailEventResponse
No description
📄️ RefreshTokenResponse
No description
📄️ RegisterContactResponse
No description
📄️ RegisterCustomerResponse
No description
📄️ RegisterUserResponse
No description
📄️ RegisterUserSession
No description
📄️ RoleDefinitionResponse
No description
📄️ RoleDefinition
No description
📄️ RoleResponse
No description
📄️ Role
No description
📄️ SendOrderConfirmResponseType
No description
📄️ ShipmentItem
No description
📄️ Shipment
No description
📄️ ShopPriceCalculationConfig
No description
📄️ Shop
No description
📄️ Site
No description
📄️ SourceObject
No description
📄️ Source
No description
📄️ SparePart
No description
📄️ SparePartsMachineMedia
No description
📄️ SparePartsMachineResponse
No description
📄️ SparePartsMachine
No description
📄️ SparePartsResponse
No description
📄️ SurchargeProductResponse
No description
📄️ SurchargeProduct
No description
📄️ Surcharge
No description
📄️ SurchargesResponse
No description
📄️ Tax
No description
📄️ TaxesResponse
No description
📄️ TenantResponse
No description
📄️ TenderAddress
No description
📄️ TenderBaseItem
No description
📄️ TenderCarrier
No description
📄️ TenderItemIncentive
No description
📄️ TenderItemSurcharge
No description
📄️ TenderMainItem
No description
📄️ TenderPayment
No description
📄️ TenderPaymethod
No description
📄️ TenderPostage
No description
📄️ TenderProcessResponse
No description
📄️ TenderResponseData
No description
📄️ TenderResponse
No description
📄️ TenderTaxLevel
No description
📄️ TenderTotal
No description
📄️ Tender
No description
📄️ TrackAndTrace
No description
📄️ Transaction
No description
📄️ UpdateClusterConfigSettingResponse
No description
📄️ UserClaims
No description
📄️ UserResponse
No description
📄️ User
No description
📄️ Usergroup
No description
📄️ UsergroupsResponse
No description
📄️ ValuesetItemResponse
No description
📄️ ValuesetItem
No description
📄️ ValuesetResponse
No description
📄️ Valueset
No description
📄️ VerifyToken
No description
📄️ WarehouseAddress
No description
📄️ Warehouse
No description
📄️ WarehousesResponse
No description
📄️ ZoneTaxCodeResponse
No description
📄️ ZoneTaxCode
No description