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type Customer implements IBaseUser {
customerId: Int!
type: AddressType
isDefault: YesNo
): [Address!]!
input: AttributeResultSearchInput
): AttributeResultResponse
input: FavoriteListsBaseSearchInput
): FavoriteListsResponse
orderlist: OrderlistsResponse
input: OrderlistSearchInput
): OrderlistsResponse!
pricesheets: [Pricesheet!]
userId: Int
debtorId: String
gender: Gender
firstName: String!
middleName: String
lastName: String!
phone: String
mobile: String
email: String!
login: String
iban: String
bankAccount: String
bic: String
notes: String
primaryLanguage: String
expires: DateTime
externalId: String
dateOfBirth: DateTime
mailingList: YesNo
isLoggedIn: Boolean
createdAt: DateTime
lastModifiedAt: DateTime
parentUsergroupId: Int!
usergroup: Usergroup
sources: [Source!]!
usergroupPath: [Usergroup!]!


Customer.customerId ● Int! non-null scalar

The id of the customer.

Customer.addresses ● [Address!]! non-null object

Customer.addresses.type ● AddressType enum
Customer.addresses.isDefault ● YesNo enum

Customer.attributes ● AttributeResultResponse object

Lists attributes for this customer based on the search input.

Customer.attributes.input ● AttributeResultSearchInput input

Customer.favoriteLists ● FavoriteListsResponse object

Customer.favoriteLists.input ● FavoriteListsBaseSearchInput input

Customer.orderlist ● OrderlistsResponse object

Customer.orderlists ● OrderlistsResponse! non-null object

Customer.orderlists.input ● OrderlistSearchInput input

Customer.pricesheets ● [Pricesheet!] list object

Customer.userId ● Int scalar

The unique identifier of the user.

Customer.debtorId ● String scalar

Customer.gender ● Gender enum

The gender of the user.

Customer.firstName ● String! non-null scalar

The first name of the user.

Customer.middleName ● String scalar

The middle name of the user.

Customer.lastName ● String! non-null scalar

The last name of the user. ● String scalar

The phone number of the user. ● String scalar

The mobile number of the user. ● String! non-null scalar

The email of the user.

Customer.login ● String scalar

The login name (email) the account is linked to, generally the same as email address. When null a account has not been linked yet.

Customer.iban ● String scalar

The International Bank Account Number of the user

Customer.bankAccount ● String scalar

The Bank Account Number of the user

Customer.bic ● String scalar

The Bank Identification Code of the user

Customer.notes ● String scalar

Customer.primaryLanguage ● String scalar

The primary language of the user

Customer.expires ● DateTime scalar

The expiration date of the contact. After this date expires contact will be disabled.

Customer.externalId ● String scalar

External ID

Customer.dateOfBirth ● DateTime scalar

The date of birth of the contact.

Customer.mailingList ● YesNo enum

Customer.isLoggedIn ● Boolean scalar

Customer.createdAt ● DateTime scalar

Customer.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime scalar

Customer.parentUsergroupId ● Int! non-null scalar

The usergroup id of parent usergroup.

Customer.usergroup ● Usergroup object

Customer.sources ● [Source!]! non-null object

Customer.usergroupPath ● [Usergroup!]! non-null object


IBaseUser interface

Interface for the BaseUser Type, where both Contacts and Customers derive from

Returned By

customer query ● customerCreate mutation ● customerUpdate mutation

Member Of

Cart object ● CustomersResponse object ● FavoriteList object ● MagicToken object ● Pricesheet object ● Tender object ● Usergroup object