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type OrderItem {
id: Int!
orderId: Int!
uuid: String!
class: OrderItemClass!
productId: Int
parentOrderItemId: Int
quantity: Int!
sku: String!
notes: String
name: String
supplier: String
supplierCode: String
manufacturer: String
manufacturerCode: String
eanCode: String
originalPrice: Float
price: Float!
priceTotal: Float!
priceNet: Float
priceTotalNet: Float
customerPrice: Float
costPrice: Float
discount: Float
tax: Float
taxPercentage: Int!
taxCode: Taxcode!
isBonus: YesNo!
minumumQuantity: Int @deprecated
minimumQuantity: Int
unit: Int
package: String
packageUnit: String
packageUnitQuantity: String
purchaseUnit: Int
purchaseMinimumQuantity: Int
requestDate: DateTime
product: Product

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

The autoincerment ID for the OrderItem

OrderItem.orderId ● Int! non-null scalar

The ID of the Order the OrderItem belongs to

OrderItem.uuid ● String! non-null scalar

The UUID for the OrderItem

OrderItem.class ● OrderItemClass! non-null enum

The class of the orderItem. Either product, incentive, surcharge, postage, payment

OrderItem.productId ● Int scalar

The productId of the OrderItem

OrderItem.parentOrderItemId ● Int scalar

The ID of the parent OrderItem

OrderItem.quantity ● Int! non-null scalar

The quantity of the OrderItem

OrderItem.sku ● String! non-null scalar

The SKU of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.notes ● String scalar

Remarks by the customer for the OrderItem ● String scalar

The name of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.supplier ● String scalar

The supplier of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.supplierCode ● String scalar

The supplierCode of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.manufacturer ● String scalar

The manufacturer of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.manufacturerCode ● String scalar

The manufacturerCode of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.eanCode ● String scalar

The eanCode of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.originalPrice ● Float scalar

The original price of the OrderItem, before applying any discounts

OrderItem.price ● Float! non-null scalar

The calculated price per unit excluding tax

OrderItem.priceTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The total price of the OrderItem excluding tax

OrderItem.priceNet ● Float scalar

The calculated price per unit including tax

OrderItem.priceTotalNet ● Float scalar

The total price of the OrderItem including tax

OrderItem.customerPrice ● Float scalar

The calculated customerPrice of the OrderItem at the time the order was placed

OrderItem.costPrice ● Float scalar

The cost price of the OrderItem at the time the order was placed ● Float scalar

The discount of the OrderItem ● Float scalar

The total tax of the OrderItem

OrderItem.taxPercentage ● Int! non-null scalar

The tax percentage of the OrderItem

OrderItem.taxCode ● Taxcode! non-null enum

The tax code of the OrderItem

OrderItem.isBonus ● YesNo! non-null enum

Is the OrderItem a bonusItem?

OrderItem.minumumQuantity ● Int deprecated scalar


Use minimumQuantity instead

The minimum quantity of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.minimumQuantity ● Int scalar

The minimum quantity of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.unit ● Int scalar

The unit of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.package ● String scalar

The package of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.packageUnit ● String scalar

The package unit of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.packageUnitQuantity ● String scalar

The package unit quantity of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.purchaseUnit ● Int scalar

The purchase unit of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.purchaseMinimumQuantity ● Int scalar

The purchase minimum quantity of the product of the OrderItem

OrderItem.requestDate ● DateTime scalar

The requested delivery date for this orderline

OrderItem.product ● Product object

Returned By

orderItemCreate mutation ● orderItemUpdate mutation

Member Of

Order object