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Represents a business rule complex expression

type BusinessRuleComplexExpression implements IBusinessRuleExpression {
id: ID!
type: BusinessRuleExpressionTypes!
operator: BusinessRuleNumberExpressionOperators
action: BusinessRuleComplexExpressionAction!
field: String
path: String
number: Float!
expressions: [BusinessRuleSubExpressionGroup!]

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

BusinessRuleComplexExpression.type ● BusinessRuleExpressionTypes! non-null enum

BusinessRuleComplexExpression.operator ● BusinessRuleNumberExpressionOperators enum

BusinessRuleComplexExpression.action ● BusinessRuleComplexExpressionAction! non-null enum

The action to execute with this complex expression , either 'sum' a sub field that is present in the expression's path or 'count' to count the length of the filtered array.

BusinessRuleComplexExpression.field ● String scalar

The path to the field to apply the action to in case the action equals 'sum'

BusinessRuleComplexExpression.path ● String scalar

The path to the field this complex expression targets, defaults to $. Has to be set in case of it being a sub-expression

BusinessRuleComplexExpression.number ● Float! non-null scalar

BusinessRuleComplexExpression.expressions ● [BusinessRuleSubExpressionGroup!] list object


IBusinessRuleExpression interface

Interface for the BaseUser Type, where deferent types of BusinessRuleNodes derive from