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type TenderPayment {
price: Float!
priceNet: Float!
overruled: YesNo
tax: Float!
taxPercentage: Float!
method: String!
status: String
statusDate: DateTime
accountingId: String


TenderPayment.price ● Float! non-null scalar

The costs associated with the selected paymethod on this tender/order. VAT including

TenderPayment.priceNet ● Float! non-null scalar

The costs associated with the selected paymethod on this tender/order. VAT excluding

TenderPayment.overruled ● YesNo enum

If false, shipping costs are automatically calculated ● Float! non-null scalar

The tax associated with the selected paymethod on this tender/order

TenderPayment.taxPercentage ● Float! non-null scalar

The tax percentage associated with the selected paymethod on this tender/order

TenderPayment.method ● String! non-null scalar

The selected payment method for this tender/order

TenderPayment.status ● String scalar

Payment status for this tender/order

TenderPayment.statusDate ● DateTime scalar

Payment status change date for this tender/order

TenderPayment.accountingId ● String scalar

Accounting ID for this tender/order

Member Of

Tender object