📄️ AttributeValue
Interface for the AttributeValue, where attribute value type derive from.
📄️ Attribute
No description
📄️ IAttributeDecimalRangeFilter
No description
📄️ IAttributeFilter
No description
📄️ IAttributeIntegerRangeFilter
No description
📄️ IAttributeTextFilter
No description
📄️ IBaseProduct
Interface for the BaseProduct Type, where both Products and
📄️ IBaseUser
Interface for the BaseUser Type, where both Contacts and Customers derive from
📄️ IBundleItem
No description
📄️ IBundlePrice
No description
📄️ IBundle
No description
📄️ IBusinessRuleExpression
Interface for the BaseUser Type, where deferent types of BusinessRuleNodes derive from
📄️ IBusinessRuleNode
Interface for the BusinessRuleNodes Type, where different types of BusinessRuleNodes derive from
📄️ ICartBaseItem
No description
📄️ ICart
No description
📄️ IClusterDrillDown
The interface for the ClusterDrillDown type, this describes the a cluster's drill down configuration.
📄️ IClusterOption
Container for a set of options belonging to a configurable cluster
📄️ ICluster
The interface for the Cluster type
📄️ IDiscount
No description
📄️ IProductOffer
Interface for the ProductOffer Type
📄️ IProduct
Interface for the Product Type
📄️ IResource
No description
📄️ ITenderBaseItem
Interface for the TenderBaseItem Type, where both TenderBaseItem and TenderMainItem derive from