📄️ AddOrderStatusesToOrderStatusSetInput
No description
📄️ AddSurchargesToProductInput
No description
📄️ AdminUserSortInput
No description
📄️ AdminUserTenantsSearchInput
No description
📄️ AdminUsersSearchInput
No description
📄️ AttributeAttributeDescriptionSearchInput
No description
📄️ AttributeCreateInput
No description
📄️ AttributeDescriptionCreateInput
No description
📄️ AttributeDescriptionSearchInput
No description
📄️ AttributeDescriptionSortInput
No description
📄️ AttributeDescriptionUpdateInput
No description
📄️ AttributeResultSearchInput
No description
📄️ AttributeSearchInput
No description
📄️ AttributeUpdateInput
No description
📄️ AttributeValueInput
No description
📄️ Base64FileInput
No description
📄️ BulkCostPriceCreateInput
No description
📄️ BulkCostPriceSearchInput
No description
📄️ BulkCostPriceSortInput
No description
📄️ BulkCostPriceUpdateInput
No description
📄️ BulkPriceCreateInput
No description
📄️ BulkPriceSearchInput
No description
📄️ BulkPriceSortInput
No description
📄️ BulkPriceUpdateInput
No description
📄️ BundleAddItemsInput
No description
📄️ BundleCreateInput
No description
📄️ BundleItemInput
No description
📄️ BundleSearchInput
No description
📄️ BundleSortInput
No description
📄️ BundleUpdateInput
No description
📄️ BusinessHoursInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleArrayExpressionInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput
Represents the input for a complex epression
📄️ BusinessRuleCreateInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDateExpressionInput
Represents the input for a business rule date expression
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableAddColumnInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableDeleteColumnInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableDeleteRowInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableMoveRowInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableSearchInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableSetCellInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleDecisionTableUpdateInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleExpressionGroupInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleExpressionUnionInput
Expression union type that is used to list expressions inside an expression group. Each instance can contain one field
📄️ BusinessRuleNumberExpressionInput
Represent the input for a business rule number expression
📄️ BusinessRuleSearchInput
No description
📄️ BusinessRuleStringExpressionInput
Represents the input for a business rule string expression
📄️ BusinessRuleUpdateInput
No description
📄️ CacheControlInput
Cache Control Input options!
📄️ CanvasInput
Change the size of the image canvas.
📄️ CarrierCreateInput
No description
📄️ CarrierSortInput
No description
📄️ CarrierUpdateInput
No description
📄️ CarriersSearchInput
No description
📄️ CartActionCodeInput
No description
📄️ CartAddBundleInput
No description
📄️ CartAddItemInput
No description
📄️ CartChildItemInput
No description
📄️ CartDeleteItemInput
No description
📄️ CartPaymentDataInput
No description
📄️ CartPostageDataInput
No description
📄️ CartProcessInput
No description
📄️ CartSearchInput
No description
📄️ CartSetContactInput
No description
📄️ CartSetCustomerInput
No description
📄️ CartSetUserInput
No description
📄️ CartSortInput
No description
📄️ CartStartInput
No description
📄️ CartUpdateAddressInput
No description
📄️ CartUpdateInput
No description
📄️ CartUpdateItemInput
No description
📄️ CategoryAddProductsClustersInput
No description
📄️ CategoryProductSearchInput
No description
📄️ CategoryRemoveProductsClustersInput
No description
📄️ CategorySearchInput
No description
📄️ ClusterCategorySearchInput
No description
📄️ ClusterConfigCreateInput
No description
📄️ ClusterConfigSettingInput
No description
📄️ ClusterConfigSettingUpdateInput
No description
📄️ ClusterCreateInput
No description
📄️ ClusterOptionCreateInput
No description
📄️ ClusterOptionSearchInput
No description