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input ValuesetSearchInput {
page: Int
offset: Int
createdAt: DateSearchInput
lastModifiedAt: DateSearchInput
ids: [Int!]
names: [String!]
type: ValuesetType
sortInputs: [ValuesetSortInput!]

Fields ● Int scalar

Pagination page number. [Default to 1]

ValuesetSearchInput.offset ● Int scalar

Pagination offset number. [Default to 12]

ValuesetSearchInput.createdAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by date created

ValuesetSearchInput.lastModifiedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by date changed

ValuesetSearchInput.ids ● [Int!] list scalar

Search by ids

ValuesetSearchInput.names ● [String!] list scalar

Search by names

ValuesetSearchInput.type ● ValuesetType enum

Valueset type. One of: [SYSTEM, CUSTOM]

ValuesetSearchInput.sortInputs ● [ValuesetSortInput!] list input

Inputs to sort by

Member Of

valuesets query