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input AttributeDescriptionCreateInput {
name: String!
descriptions: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
units: [LocalizedStringInput!]
type: AttributeType!
attributeClass: AttributeDescriptionClass!
valuesetId: Int
group: String
isSearchable: Boolean
isPublic: Boolean
isSystem: Boolean
isHidden: Boolean
defaultValue: AttributeValueInput!

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

Descriptive identifier (Screaming Snake Case)

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.descriptions ● [LocalizedStringInput!]! non-null input

Attribute names per language

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.units ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

Attribute unit per language

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.type ● AttributeType! non-null enum

Attribute type. One of: [text, enum, color, datetime, integer, decimal]

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.attributeClass ● AttributeDescriptionClass! non-null enum

Attribute class. One of: [product, category, cluster, customer, contact, company]

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.valuesetId ● Int scalar

The name of the connected valueset to use when type is ENUM ● String scalar

The attribute group

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.isSearchable ● Boolean scalar

Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating catalog page filters

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.isPublic ● Boolean scalar

Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating product specifications.

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.isSystem ● Boolean scalar

Flags whether this attribute is only available to system users

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.isHidden ● Boolean scalar

Flags whether this attribute is hidden and should only be used for background operations.

AttributeDescriptionCreateInput.defaultValue ● AttributeValueInput! non-null input

The default value for this attribute

Member Of

attributeDescriptionCreate mutation