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input OrderItemUpdateInput {
id: Int!
quantity: Int!
notes: String
priceNet: Float
price: Float!
priceTotal: Float!
priceTotalNet: Float
discount: Float!
tax: Float!
taxPercentage: Int!
originalPrice: Float!
taxCode: Taxcode!
customerPrice: Float
costPrice: Float
requestDate: String

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

The ID of the orderitem to update.

OrderItemUpdateInput.quantity ● Int! non-null scalar

The quantity of the orderitem

OrderItemUpdateInput.notes ● String scalar

The orderitem notes

OrderItemUpdateInput.priceNet ● Float scalar

The calculated price per unit including tax

OrderItemUpdateInput.price ● Float! non-null scalar

The gross price per unit excluding tax

OrderItemUpdateInput.priceTotal ● Float! non-null scalar

The total price of the orderitem excluding tax

OrderItemUpdateInput.priceTotalNet ● Float scalar

The total price of the OrderItem including tax ● Float! non-null scalar

The discount applied to this orderitem ● Float! non-null scalar

The amount of tax applied to this orderitem

OrderItemUpdateInput.taxPercentage ● Int! non-null scalar

The tax percentage applied to this orderitem

OrderItemUpdateInput.originalPrice ● Float! non-null scalar

The original price of the OrderItem, before applying any discounts

OrderItemUpdateInput.taxCode ● Taxcode! non-null enum

The tax code of the OrderItem

OrderItemUpdateInput.customerPrice ● Float scalar

The calculated user specific price of the orderitem, before applying any additional discounts

OrderItemUpdateInput.costPrice ● Float scalar

The costprice of the orderitem

OrderItemUpdateInput.requestDate ● String scalar

Requested delivery date for this orderline

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CreateOrUpdateOrderItemInput input ● orderItemUpdate mutation