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input RegisterContactInput {
firstName: String
middleName: String
lastName: String
gender: Gender
email: String
homepage: String
phone: String
mobile: String
dateOfBirth: String
mailingList: YesNo
primaryLanguage: String
debtorId: String
parentId: Int!
password: String


RegisterContactInput.firstName ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.middleName ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.lastName ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.gender ● Gender enum ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.homepage ● String scalar ● String scalar ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.dateOfBirth ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.mailingList ● YesNo enum

RegisterContactInput.primaryLanguage ● String scalar

The primary language of the contact.

RegisterContactInput.debtorId ● String scalar

The debtor id of the contact. Deprecated in favor of company debtorId

RegisterContactInput.parentId ● Int! non-null scalar

The id of the company the contact should be created in.

RegisterContactInput.password ● String scalar

Optionally create a prefilled password. When omitted the contact can set a new password using password reset(link)

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contactRegister mutation