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input OrderPaymentUpdateInput {
net: Float
gross: Float
tax: Float
taxPercentage: Float
method: String
status: String
statusDate: DateTime
accountingId: String
overruled: YesNo

Fields ● Float scalar

The transaction cost including tax

OrderPaymentUpdateInput.gross ● Float scalar

The transaction cost excluding tax ● Float scalar

The transaction cost tax

OrderPaymentUpdateInput.taxPercentage ● Float scalar

The transaction costs tax percentage

OrderPaymentUpdateInput.method ● String scalar

The paymethod for this Order

OrderPaymentUpdateInput.status ● String scalar

The transaction status

OrderPaymentUpdateInput.statusDate ● DateTime scalar

Last time the transaction status was changed

OrderPaymentUpdateInput.accountingId ● String scalar

The accountingId that belongs to this order

OrderPaymentUpdateInput.overruled ● YesNo enum

Whether the transaction costs for this order are overruled, if N, the shipping costs will be recalculated on every mutation

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OrderUpdateInput input