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input UpdateOrderStatusInput {
name: String
code: String
description: String
orderType: String!
priority: Int
isDefault: Boolean
isPublic: Boolean
isEditable: Boolean
isDeletable: Boolean
isExportable: Boolean
isConfirmable: Boolean
isArchivable: Boolean
nextStatusesIds: [Int!]
addOrderStatusToSet: OrderStatusSetSearchByInput

Fields ● String scalar

The order status name

UpdateOrderStatusInput.code ● String scalar

The order status code value

UpdateOrderStatusInput.description ● String scalar

The order status description

UpdateOrderStatusInput.orderType ● String! non-null scalar

The order status for order type.

UpdateOrderStatusInput.priority ● Int scalar

The order status priority

UpdateOrderStatusInput.isDefault ● Boolean scalar

Marks if the order status is default

UpdateOrderStatusInput.isPublic ● Boolean scalar

Marks if the order is public

UpdateOrderStatusInput.isEditable ● Boolean scalar

Marks if the order is editable

UpdateOrderStatusInput.isDeletable ● Boolean scalar

Marks if the order is deletable

UpdateOrderStatusInput.isExportable ● Boolean scalar

Marks if the order is exportable

UpdateOrderStatusInput.isConfirmable ● Boolean scalar

Marks if the order is confirmable

UpdateOrderStatusInput.isArchivable ● Boolean scalar

Marks if the order can be archived

UpdateOrderStatusInput.nextStatusesIds ● [Int!] list scalar

The IDs of the next possible order statuses

UpdateOrderStatusInput.addOrderStatusToSet ● OrderStatusSetSearchByInput input

The order status set to add this order status to

Member Of

orderStatusUpdate mutation