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input PriceUpdateInput {
per: Int
list: Float
store: Float
cost: Float
suggested: Float
bulkDiscountType: PriceDiscountType
defaultTaxCode: Taxcode
display: PriceDisplay


PriceUpdateInput.per ● Int scalar

The quantity of items that the listed price will purchase.

PriceUpdateInput.list ● Float scalar

The default sales price. ● Float scalar

The price at which the product is sold in physical stores. This might differ from the standard price due to store-specific deals, overhead costs, or regional pricing strategies.

PriceUpdateInput.cost ● Float scalar

The cost associated to acquire the product.

PriceUpdateInput.suggested ● Float scalar

The manufacturer's or supplier's recommended retail price (RRP) for the product.

PriceUpdateInput.bulkDiscountType ● PriceDiscountType enum

The method used to apply discounts for bulk prices / volume discounts. One of: [costpriceplus, listpricemin, netprice]

PriceUpdateInput.defaultTaxCode ● Taxcode enum

Default tax code of this product. One of: [H, L, N]

PriceUpdateInput.display ● PriceDisplay enum

Describes how the price should be displayed on the Front-End. Default value is 'DEFAULT'.

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priceUpdate mutation