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input OrderCreateInput {
userId: Int!
accountManagerId: Int
channelId: Int
accountingId: String
debtorId: String
debtorFirstName: String
debtorLastName: String
debtorCompany: String
recipientFirstName: String
recipientLastName: String
recipientCompany: String
externalId: String
status: String!
type: OrderType!
source: String
email: String!
remarks: String
reference: String
extra3: String
extra4: String
currency: String!
currencyRatio: Float
language: String!
valuePoints: Int
actionCode: String
invoiceUserId: Int
validUntil: String
companyId: Int
companySource: SourceInput
originalOrderId: Int
exportedAt: String
exportStatus: OrderExportStatus
exportMessage: String
shopId: Int!
cartId: String
items: [OrderItemCreateInput!]!
paymentData: OrderPaymentInput!
postageData: OrderPostageInput!
total: OrderTotalInput!


OrderCreateInput.userId ● Int! non-null scalar

ID of the User, Contact or Customer of the Order

OrderCreateInput.accountManagerId ● Int scalar

User ID of the Account Manager of the order

OrderCreateInput.channelId ● Int scalar

Channel ID the Order belongs to

OrderCreateInput.accountingId ● String scalar

Accounting ID of the Order

OrderCreateInput.debtorId ● String scalar

Debtor ID of the User, Contact or Customer

OrderCreateInput.debtorFirstName ● String scalar

First name of the Debtor [USED FOR ORDER SEARCH ONLY]

OrderCreateInput.debtorLastName ● String scalar

Last name of the Debtor [USED FOR ORDER SEARCH ONLY]

OrderCreateInput.debtorCompany ● String scalar

Company name of the Debtor [USED FOR ORDER SEARCH ONLY]

OrderCreateInput.recipientFirstName ● String scalar

First name of the Recipient [USED FOR ORDER SEARCH ONLY]

OrderCreateInput.recipientLastName ● String scalar

Last name of the Recipient [USED FOR ORDER SEARCH ONLY]

OrderCreateInput.recipientCompany ● String scalar

Company name of the Recipient [USED FOR ORDER SEARCH ONLY]

OrderCreateInput.externalId ● String scalar

ID of the Order in an external system

OrderCreateInput.status ● String! non-null scalar

Status of the Order

OrderCreateInput.type ● OrderType! non-null enum

Type of the Order

OrderCreateInput.source ● String scalar

Source of the Order i.e. webshop, internal, external or api ● String! non-null scalar

Email address used for communication about this Order

OrderCreateInput.remarks ● String scalar

Remarks by the customer

OrderCreateInput.reference ● String scalar

Reference by the customer

OrderCreateInput.extra3 ● String scalar

extra3: Open text field to add meta data on an Order. The field will not be visible to Propeller admins, but can be used to be displayed on front-ends or be used in integrations.

OrderCreateInput.extra4 ● String scalar

extra4: Open text field to add meta data on an Order. The field will not be visible to Propeller admins, but can be used to be displayed on front-ends or be used in integrations.

OrderCreateInput.currency ● String! non-null scalar

Order currency - ISO 4217 currency code =>

OrderCreateInput.currencyRatio ● Float scalar

Currency conversion ratio compared the the Order's Shop's base currency

OrderCreateInput.language ● String! non-null scalar

Order language - ISO 639-1 language code =>

OrderCreateInput.valuePoints ● Int scalar

Value points collected with this Order

OrderCreateInput.actionCode ● String scalar

Active actioncode that was applied to this Order

OrderCreateInput.invoiceUserId ● Int scalar

ID of the User, Contact or Customer that should receive the invoice for this Order

OrderCreateInput.validUntil ● String scalar

Date and time until the order is valid

OrderCreateInput.companyId ● Int scalar

ID of the Company of the Order

OrderCreateInput.companySource ● SourceInput input

A company source

OrderCreateInput.originalOrderId ● Int scalar

Original order id

OrderCreateInput.exportedAt ● String scalar

The date and time the order was exported

OrderCreateInput.exportStatus ● OrderExportStatus enum

Order export status of this order

OrderCreateInput.exportMessage ● String scalar

Order export message

OrderCreateInput.shopId ● Int! non-null scalar

The ID of the shop the Order belongs to

OrderCreateInput.cartId ● String scalar

The ID of the Cart the Order belongs to

OrderCreateInput.items ● [OrderItemCreateInput!]! non-null input

The OrderItem to create with the Order as a single bulk request

OrderCreateInput.paymentData ● OrderPaymentInput! non-null input

Order's payment data

OrderCreateInput.postageData ● OrderPostageInput! non-null input

Order's postage data ● OrderTotalInput! non-null input

Order's totals, tax and global discount

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orderCreate mutation