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input TenderStartInput {
channelId: Int
userId: Int
contactId: Int
companyId: Int
customerId: Int
ownerId: Int
type: OrderType
currency: String
validUntil: String
source: String


TenderStartInput.channelId ● Int scalar

The channel id for the tender created

TenderStartInput.userId ● Int scalar

The user ID for the tender created

TenderStartInput.contactId ● Int scalar

Contact unique identifier

TenderStartInput.companyId ● Int scalar

Company unique identifier, if not provided the contact original parent company will be set!

TenderStartInput.customerId ● Int scalar

Customer unique identifier

TenderStartInput.ownerId ● Int scalar

The id of the user editing the order. Defaults to userId

TenderStartInput.type ● OrderType enum

The type for the tender created. Defaults to dropshipment

TenderStartInput.currency ● String scalar

The currency for the tender created. Defaults to EUR

TenderStartInput.validUntil ● String scalar

Valid until date (Display Only!)

TenderStartInput.source ● String scalar

Source of the Tender

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tenderStart mutation