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input AttributeValueInput {
textValues: [LocalizedStringArrayInput!]
enumValues: [String!]
intValue: Int
decimalValue: Float
dateTimeValue: String
colorValue: String


AttributeValueInput.textValues ● [LocalizedStringArrayInput!] list input

Attribute value descriptions per language

AttributeValueInput.enumValues ● [String!] list scalar

Attribute enum values, required for ENUM type attributes

AttributeValueInput.intValue ● Int scalar

Attribute integer value, required for INTEGER type attributes

AttributeValueInput.decimalValue ● Float scalar

Attribute decimal value, required for DECIMAL type attributes

AttributeValueInput.dateTimeValue ● String scalar

Attribute datetime value, required for DATETIME type attributes

AttributeValueInput.colorValue ● String scalar

Attribute color value, required for COLOR type attributes (example: #000000 )

Member Of

AttributeCreateInput input ● AttributeDescriptionCreateInput input ● AttributeDescriptionUpdateInput input ● AttributeUpdateInput input