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input BusinessRuleDecisionTableAddColumnInput {
name: String!
field: String!
ruleId: ID!
type: BusinessRuleDecisionTableColumnType!
tableId: ID!

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

The name for the input or output column

BusinessRuleDecisionTableAddColumnInput.field ● String! non-null scalar

The field of the input or output column. In case of an input column this is the full path the root of the input payload of the rule. In case of an output column it's the fieldname you want to output after the rule has been executed. Output fields can be organized by using the dot notation. For example:

  • input: ""
  • output: ""
  • output: ""

BusinessRuleDecisionTableAddColumnInput.ruleId ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the BusinessRule to search for

BusinessRuleDecisionTableAddColumnInput.type ● BusinessRuleDecisionTableColumnType! non-null enum

BusinessRuleDecisionTableAddColumnInput.tableId ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the DecisionTable inside BusinessRule to add the column to

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businessRuleDecisionTableAddColumn mutation