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input OrderlistSearchInput {
page: Int
offset: Int
createdAt: DateSearchInput
lastModifiedAt: DateSearchInput
ids: [Int!]
codes: [String!]
validTo: DateSearchInput
validFrom: DateSearchInput
type: OrderlistType
partnerEntities: [String!]
active: YesNo
userIds: [Int!]
userSources: [SourceInput!]
companyIds: [Int!]
companySources: [SourceInput!]
productIds: [Int!]
productSources: [SourceInput!]
clusterIds: [Int!]
clusterSources: [SourceInput!]
sortInputs: [OrderlistSortInput!]

Fields ● Int scalar

Pagination page number. [Default to 1]

OrderlistSearchInput.offset ● Int scalar

Pagination offset number. [Default to 12]

OrderlistSearchInput.createdAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by date created

OrderlistSearchInput.lastModifiedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by date changed

OrderlistSearchInput.ids ● [Int!] list scalar

List of Orderlist primary identifiers ● [String!] list scalar

List of codes

OrderlistSearchInput.validTo ● DateSearchInput input

Search by valid to

OrderlistSearchInput.validFrom ● DateSearchInput input

Search by valid from

OrderlistSearchInput.type ● OrderlistType enum

Orderlist type. One of: [POSITIVE, NEGATIVE]

OrderlistSearchInput.partnerEntities ● [String!] list scalar

Partner entity ● YesNo enum

Shows if the orderlist is active

OrderlistSearchInput.userIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of user ids

OrderlistSearchInput.userSources ● [SourceInput!] list input

List of user sources

OrderlistSearchInput.companyIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of company ids

OrderlistSearchInput.companySources ● [SourceInput!] list input

List of company sources

OrderlistSearchInput.productIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of product ids

OrderlistSearchInput.productSources ● [SourceInput!] list input

List of product sources

OrderlistSearchInput.clusterIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of cluster ids

OrderlistSearchInput.clusterSources ● [SourceInput!] list input

List of cluster sources

OrderlistSearchInput.sortInputs ● [OrderlistSortInput!] list input

Inputs to sort by

Member Of

orderlists query