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input UpdatePaymentInput {
userId: Int
anonymousId: Int
paymentId: String
amount: Int
currency: String
method: String
status: PaymentStatuses
addTransaction: CreateTransactionInput


UpdatePaymentInput.userId ● Int scalar

Logged in User ID

UpdatePaymentInput.anonymousId ● Int scalar

Guest User ID

UpdatePaymentInput.paymentId ● String scalar

Unique paymentId reference for the Payment - provided by the PSP

UpdatePaymentInput.amount ● Int scalar

Payment amount [denomination in cents]

UpdatePaymentInput.currency ● String scalar

Payment currency - ISO 4217 currency code =>

UpdatePaymentInput.method ● String scalar

Payment method used by the PSP

UpdatePaymentInput.status ● PaymentStatuses enum

Payment status

UpdatePaymentInput.addTransaction ● CreateTransactionInput input

Add a transaction related to the specified payment

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paymentUpdate mutation