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input FavoriteListsUpdateInput {
productIds: [Int!]
productSources: [SourceInput!]
clusterIds: [Int!]
clusterSources: [SourceInput!]
isDefault: Boolean
name: String


FavoriteListsUpdateInput.productIds ● [Int!] list scalar

Favorite List product IDs list

FavoriteListsUpdateInput.productSources ● [SourceInput!] list input

List of product sources

FavoriteListsUpdateInput.clusterIds ● [Int!] list scalar

Favorite List cluster IDs list

FavoriteListsUpdateInput.clusterSources ● [SourceInput!] list input

List of cluster sources

FavoriteListsUpdateInput.isDefault ● Boolean scalar

Favorite List is default ● String scalar

Favorite List name

Member Of

favoriteListUpdate mutation