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Represents the input for a complex epression

input BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput {
operator: BusinessRuleNumberExpressionOperators!
number: Float!
path: String
action: BusinessRuleComplexExpressionAction!
field: String
expressions: [BusinessRuleExpressionGroupInput!]


BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput.operator ● BusinessRuleNumberExpressionOperators! non-null enum

The operator to use on the result of the action applied to the sub-expressions

BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput.number ● Float! non-null scalar

The value to compare the result of the action applied to the sub-expressions to

BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput.path ● String scalar

Path to the field, can be used to add additional expressions and calulations on the field. Use $ to target the field's value. When omitted the field's value is used. The expression will be used on the left hand side of the operator. Can also be used to target a specific property in a complex expression's sub-expression Check for options.

BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput.action ● BusinessRuleComplexExpressionAction! non-null enum

The action to execute with this complex expression , either 'sum' a sub field that is present in the expression's path or 'count' to count the length of the filtered array.

BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput.field ● String scalar

The path to the field to apply the action to in case the action equals 'sum'

BusinessRuleComplexExpressionInput.expressions ● [BusinessRuleExpressionGroupInput!] list input

The sub-expressions for this complex expression

Member Of

BusinessRuleExpressionUnionInput input