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Represents the input for a business rule date expression

input BusinessRuleDateExpressionInput {
number: Int
date: DateTime
string: String
operator: BusinessRuleDateExpressionOperators!
path: String


BusinessRuleDateExpressionInput.number ● Int scalar

Numeric value, use when the condition is one of: beforeDaysFromToday, afterDaysFromToday, onDaysFromToday, beforeMinutesFromNow, afterMinutesFromNow, onMinutesFromNow, onDayOfWeek, onDayOfMonth, onMonthOfYear ● DateTime scalar

Date value, use when the condition is one of: before, after

BusinessRuleDateExpressionInput.string ● String scalar

Time value in HH:mm:ss format, use when the condition is one of: onTime, beforeTime, afterTime

BusinessRuleDateExpressionInput.operator ● BusinessRuleDateExpressionOperators! non-null enum

The operator used for this expression

BusinessRuleDateExpressionInput.path ● String scalar

Path to the field, can be used to add additional expressions and calculations on the field. Use $ to target the field's value. When omitted, the field's value is used. The expression will be used on the left-hand side of the operator. Can also be used to target a specific property in a complex expression's sub-expression. Check for options.

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BusinessRuleExpressionUnionInput input