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input EmailSendEventInput {
subject: String!
content: String!
from: EmailSendContactInput!
to: [EmailSendContactInput!]!
cc: [EmailSendContactInput!]
bcc: [EmailSendContactInput!]
attachments: [Base64FileInput!]
campaignId: String
messageId: String
utmTags: String
variables: JSONObject


EmailSendEventInput.subject ● String! non-null scalar

The subject of the email

EmailSendEventInput.content ● String! non-null scalar

The content of the email

EmailSendEventInput.from ● EmailSendContactInput! non-null input

The sender of the email ● [EmailSendContactInput!]! non-null input

The recipient(s) of the email ● [EmailSendContactInput!] list input

The cc recipient(s) of the email

EmailSendEventInput.bcc ● [EmailSendContactInput!] list input

The bcc recipient(s) of the email

EmailSendEventInput.attachments ● [Base64FileInput!] list input

The attachment(s) of the email

EmailSendEventInput.campaignId ● String scalar

The campaingId of the email

EmailSendEventInput.messageId ● String scalar

The messageId of the email

EmailSendEventInput.utmTags ● String scalar

The utmTags of the email

EmailSendEventInput.variables ● JSONObject scalar

Variables that can be used in the email template

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publishEmailSendEvent mutation