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input UpdateWarehouseInput {
name: String
description: String
notes: String
isActive: Boolean
isStore: Boolean
isPickupLocation: Boolean
shopId: Int
businessHours: [BusinessHoursInput!]

Fields ● String scalar

Warehouse name

UpdateWarehouseInput.description ● String scalar

Warehouse description

UpdateWarehouseInput.notes ● String scalar

Warehouse notes

UpdateWarehouseInput.isActive ● Boolean scalar

Warehouse isActive status

UpdateWarehouseInput.isStore ● Boolean scalar

Warehouse isStore status

UpdateWarehouseInput.isPickupLocation ● Boolean scalar

Warehouse isPickupLocation status

UpdateWarehouseInput.shopId ● Int scalar

Optional warehouse shopId! Default value will be internally inferred from the appropriate channel

UpdateWarehouseInput.businessHours ● [BusinessHoursInput!] list input

Warehouse business hours per week day

Example: [{ dayOfWeek: 0 openingTime: "08:00" closingTime: "20:00" lunchBeakStartTime: "12:00" lunchBeakEndTime: "12:30" }, { dayOfWeek: 1 openingTime: "08:00" closingTime: "20:00" lunchBeakStartTime: "12:00" lunchBeakEndTime: "12:30" }, { dayOfWeek: 2 openingTime: "08:00" closingTime: "20:00" lunchBeakStartTime: "12:00" lunchBeakEndTime: "12:30" }, { dayOfWeek: 3 openingTime: "08:00" closingTime: "20:00" lunchBeakStartTime: "12:00" lunchBeakEndTime: "12:30" }, { dayOfWeek: 4 openingTime: "08:00" closingTime: "20:00" lunchBeakStartTime: "12:00" lunchBeakEndTime: "12:30" }, { dayOfWeek: 5 openingTime: "08:00" closingTime: "20:00" lunchBeakStartTime: "12:00" lunchBeakEndTime: "12:30" }, { dayOfWeek: 6 openingTime: "08:00" closingTime: "20:00" lunchBeakStartTime: "12:00" lunchBeakEndTime: "12:30" }]

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warehouseUpdate mutation