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input AttributeSearchInput {
productIds: [Int!]
categoryIds: [Int!]
companyIds: [Int!]
contactIds: [Int!]
customerIds: [Int!]
clusterIds: [Int!]
offset: Int
page: Int
attributeDescription: AttributeAttributeDescriptionSearchInput


AttributeSearchInput.productIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of productIds to search attributes for

AttributeSearchInput.categoryIds ● [Int!] list scalar

LIst of categoryIds to search attributes for

AttributeSearchInput.companyIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of companyIds to search attributes for

AttributeSearchInput.contactIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of contactIds to search attributes for

AttributeSearchInput.customerIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of customerIds to search attributes for

AttributeSearchInput.clusterIds ● [Int!] list scalar

List of clusterIds to search attributes for

AttributeSearchInput.offset ● Int scalar

Pagination offset number ● Int scalar

Pagination page number

AttributeSearchInput.attributeDescription ● AttributeAttributeDescriptionSearchInput input

AttributeDescription fields to search attributes for

Member Of

attributes query ● attributesByProductId query