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input CreateSurchargeInput {
name: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
description: [LocalizedStringInput!]
type: SurchargeType!
value: Float!
taxCode: TaxCode!
taxZone: String!
enabled: Boolean!
validFrom: String
validTo: String
shopId: Int

Fields ● [LocalizedStringInput!]! non-null input

A descriptive name for the surcharge

CreateSurchargeInput.description ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

A brief description of the surcharge

CreateSurchargeInput.type ● SurchargeType! non-null enum

Type of the surcharge

CreateSurchargeInput.value ● Float! non-null scalar

The value to be applied as surcharge (e.g., percentage or amount)

CreateSurchargeInput.taxCode ● TaxCode! non-null enum

Tax code

CreateSurchargeInput.taxZone ● String! non-null scalar

Tax zone

CreateSurchargeInput.enabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the surcharge is active or not

CreateSurchargeInput.validFrom ● String scalar

The date and time the surcharge is valid from

CreateSurchargeInput.validTo ● String scalar

The date and time the surcharge is valid to

CreateSurchargeInput.shopId ● Int scalar

Shop identifier for the surcharge to apply to... If not provided the default will be inferred from the channel

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surchargeCreate mutation