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input CompanySearchInput {
page: Int!
offset: Int!
term: String
termFields: [CompanyTermFieldInput!]
companyCreatedAt: DateSearchInput
companyLastModifiedAt: DateSearchInput
companyAttributeCreatedAt: DateSearchInput
companyAttributeLastModifiedAt: DateSearchInput
contactCreatedAt: DateSearchInput
contactLastModifiedAt: DateSearchInput
contactDateOfBirth: DateSearchInput
contactAttributeCreatedAt: DateSearchInput
contactAttributeLastModifiedAt: DateSearchInput
addressTypes: [AddressType!]
addressIsDefault: YesNo
addressActive: YesNo
sortInputs: [CompanySearchSortInput!]

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

Pagination page number [default=1]

CompanySearchInput.offset ● Int! non-null scalar

Pagination offset number [default=12]

CompanySearchInput.term ● String scalar

Company search term

CompanySearchInput.termFields ● [CompanyTermFieldInput!] list input

List of fields to apply in term search. Defaults to [{ boost: 1, fieldNames: ALL_AVAILABLE_TERM_FIELDS }] if not provided.

CompanySearchInput.companyCreatedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by company date created

CompanySearchInput.companyLastModifiedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by company date changed

CompanySearchInput.companyAttributeCreatedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by attribute date created

CompanySearchInput.companyAttributeLastModifiedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by attribute date changed

CompanySearchInput.contactCreatedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by contact date created

CompanySearchInput.contactLastModifiedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by contact date changed

CompanySearchInput.contactDateOfBirth ● DateSearchInput input

Search by contact date of birth

CompanySearchInput.contactAttributeCreatedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by contact attribute date created

CompanySearchInput.contactAttributeLastModifiedAt ● DateSearchInput input

Search by contact attribute date changed

CompanySearchInput.addressTypes ● [AddressType!] list enum

Search by address types

CompanySearchInput.addressIsDefault ● YesNo enum

Search by default address

CompanySearchInput.addressActive ● YesNo enum

Search by active address

CompanySearchInput.sortInputs ● [CompanySearchSortInput!] list input

Inputs to sort by! NOTE: Defaults to [{ field: RELEVANCE, order: DESC }] if not provided.

Member Of

companySearch query