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input CreateBundleInput {
name: String!
description: String!
discount: Float
condition: BundleCondition
price: Float
taxZone: String
addBundleItems: [BundleItemInput!]

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

The name for this bundle.

CreateBundleInput.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description for this bundle. ● Float scalar

The discount percentage this bundle.

CreateBundleInput.condition ● BundleCondition enum

The discount condition for this bundle. Discount can be applied for Extra Products (EP) or All Products (ALL).

CreateBundleInput.price ● Float scalar

The bundle prices.

CreateBundleInput.taxZone ● String scalar

The bundle tax zone.

CreateBundleInput.addBundleItems ● [BundleItemInput!] list input

Items for this bundle.

Member Of

bundleCreate mutation