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Interface for the BaseUser Type, where both Contacts and Customers derive from

interface IBaseUser {
userId: Int
debtorId: String
gender: Gender
firstName: String!
middleName: String
lastName: String!
phone: String
mobile: String
email: String!
iban: String
bankAccount: String
bic: String
notes: String
primaryLanguage: String
expires: DateTime
externalId: String
dateOfBirth: DateTime
mailingList: YesNo
isLoggedIn: Boolean
createdAt: DateTime
lastModifiedAt: DateTime


IBaseUser.userId ● Int scalar

The unique identifier of the user.

IBaseUser.debtorId ● String scalar

IBaseUser.gender ● Gender enum

The gender of the user.

IBaseUser.firstName ● String! non-null scalar

The first name of the user.

IBaseUser.middleName ● String scalar

The middle name of the user.

IBaseUser.lastName ● String! non-null scalar

The last name of the user. ● String scalar

The phone number of the user. ● String scalar

The mobile number of the user. ● String! non-null scalar

The email of the user.

IBaseUser.iban ● String scalar

The International Bank Account Number of the user

IBaseUser.bankAccount ● String scalar

The Bank Account Number of the user

IBaseUser.bic ● String scalar

The Bank Identification Code of the user

IBaseUser.notes ● String scalar

IBaseUser.primaryLanguage ● String scalar

The primary language of the user

IBaseUser.expires ● DateTime scalar

The expiration date of the contact. After this date expires contact will be disabled.

IBaseUser.externalId ● String scalar

External ID

IBaseUser.dateOfBirth ● DateTime scalar

The date of birth of the contact.

IBaseUser.mailingList ● YesNo enum

IBaseUser.isLoggedIn ● Boolean scalar

IBaseUser.createdAt ● DateTime scalar

IBaseUser.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime scalar

Returned By

user query ● viewer query

Member Of

Cart object ● Company object ● ICart interface ● Orderlist object ● RegisterContactResponse object ● RegisterCustomerResponse object ● Tender object

Implemented By

Contact object ● Customer object ● User object