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type Cart implements ICart {
cartId: String!
channelId: Int
shopId: Int!
userId: Int @deprecated
contactId: Int
customerId: Int
companyId: Int
notes: String
reference: String
extra3: String
extra4: String
orderStatus: String
actionCode: String
vouchers: [CartVoucher!]
paymentData: CartPaymentData
postageData: CartPostageData
total: CartTotal
items: [CartMainItem!]
bonusItems: [CartBaseItem!]
unOrderableItems: [CartUnOrderableItem!]
invoiceAddress: CartAddress!
deliveryAddress: CartAddress!
taxLevels: [CartTaxLevel!]
payMethods: [CartPaymethod!]
carriers: [CartCarrier!]
createdAt: DateTime
lastModifiedAt: DateTime
createdBy: Int
lastModifiedBy: Int
appliedIncentives: [CartIncentive!]
valuePoints: Int
shippingMethods: [CartShippingMethod!]
language: String
user: IBaseUser @deprecated
contact: Contact
customer: Customer
company: Company


Cart.cartId ● String! non-null scalar

Cart's primary identifier

Cart.channelId ● Int scalar

Channel identifier this cart belongs to.

Cart.shopId ● Int! non-null scalar

Shop identifier this cart belongs to.

Cart.userId ● Int deprecated scalar


This field will be removed in a future release, use contact+companyId or customerId instead

Cart.contactId ● Int scalar

ContactId for this cart. Goes in combination with companyId

Cart.customerId ● Int scalar

CustomerId for this cart.

Cart.companyId ● Int scalar

CompanyId the contact belongs to. Goes in combination with contactId

Cart.notes ● String scalar

User's remarks for this cart.

Cart.reference ● String scalar

User's reference for this cart.

Cart.extra3 ● String scalar

Additional information field that can be stored with a cart and order.

Cart.extra4 ● String scalar

Additional information field that can be stored with a cart and order.

Cart.orderStatus ● String scalar

Status of the order after processing the cart. When order status is UNFINISHED, the cart is pending payment from PSP.

Cart.actionCode ● String scalar

Action code that is applied to this cart. Is only filled when a valid action code is applied

Cart.vouchers ● [CartVoucher!] list object

Array of voucher codes that are applied to this cart. Is only filled when a valid action is applied.

Cart.paymentData ● CartPaymentData object

Payment data for this cart.

Cart.postageData ● CartPostageData object

Postage data for this cart. ● CartTotal object

Totals for this cart.

Cart.items ● [CartMainItem!] list object

Cart's main items

Cart.bonusItems ● [CartBaseItem!] list object

Bonus items that are added to this cart through incentives.

Cart.unOrderableItems ● [CartUnOrderableItem!] list object

Items that are added to the Cart, but can't be ordered.

Cart.invoiceAddress ● CartAddress! non-null object

Address the invoice for the order should be sent to.

Cart.deliveryAddress ● CartAddress! non-null object

Address the order should be sent to.

Cart.taxLevels ● [CartTaxLevel!] list object

Amount of tax that applies to this cart per tax code

Cart.payMethods ● [CartPaymethod!] list object

List of selectable paymethods for this cart and applied user.

Cart.carriers ● [CartCarrier!] list object

List of selectable carriers for this cart.

Cart.createdAt ● DateTime scalar

Date this cart has been created.

Cart.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime scalar

Date this cart has been last updated.

Cart.createdBy ● Int scalar

User which created the cart.

Cart.lastModifiedBy ● Int scalar

User which last updated the cart.

Cart.appliedIncentives ● [CartIncentive!] list object

All incentives that apply to this cart.

Cart.valuePoints ● Int scalar

Total amount of value-points that apply to this cart

Cart.shippingMethods ● [CartShippingMethod!] list object

All shipping methods available for this cart.

Cart.language ● String scalar

Language of the order that will be created from this cart. Order confirmation email will be sent in that language.

Cart.user ● IBaseUser deprecated interface


Deprecated in favor of contact or customer

Cart User ● Contact object

Tender Contact

Cart.customer ● Customer object

Tender Customer ● Company object

Tender Company


ICart interface

Returned By

cart query ● cartAddActionCode mutation ● cartAddBundle mutation ● cartAddItem mutation ● cartDeleteItem mutation ● cartRemoveActionCode mutation ● cartSetContact mutation ● cartSetCustomer mutation ● cartSetUser mutation ● cartStart mutation ● cartUpdate mutation ● cartUpdateAddress mutation ● cartUpdateItem mutation

Member Of

CartProcessResponse object ● CartResponse object