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Represents a business rule field definition

type BusinessRuleFieldDefinition {
id: ID!
name: [LocalizedString!]!
path: String!
type: BusinessRuleExpressionTypes!
fields: [BusinessRuleActionField!]
expressions: [BusinessRuleFieldDefinition!]

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID for this field definition ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

The descriptive name of the field

BusinessRuleFieldDefinition.path ● String! non-null scalar

The expected path to the field in the input payload

BusinessRuleFieldDefinition.type ● BusinessRuleExpressionTypes! non-null enum

The expected type of the field

BusinessRuleFieldDefinition.fields ● [BusinessRuleActionField!] list object

The actionable sub-fields when the type is 'complex'

BusinessRuleFieldDefinition.expressions ● [BusinessRuleFieldDefinition!] list object

The potential sub-fields when the type is 'complex'

Member Of

BusinessRuleFieldDefinition object ● BusinessRuleFieldDefinitionGroup object