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type Inventory {
id: ID!
productId: Int!
quantity: Int!
costPrice: Float!
supplier: String!
supplierCode: String!
sku: String!
dateModified: DateTime
warehouseId: Int!
location: String!
nextDeliveryDate: DateTime!
notes: String!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Inventory primary identifier

Inventory.productId ● Int! non-null scalar

Inventory product identifier

Inventory.quantity ● Int! non-null scalar

Inventory quantity

Inventory.costPrice ● Float! non-null scalar

Inventory cost price

Inventory.supplier ● String! non-null scalar

Inventory supplier

Inventory.supplierCode ● String! non-null scalar

Inventory supplier code

Inventory.sku ● String! non-null scalar

Inventory sku

Inventory.dateModified ● DateTime scalar

Inventory last modified date

Inventory.warehouseId ● Int! non-null scalar

Inventory warehouse identifier

Inventory.location ● String! non-null scalar

Inventory location

Inventory.nextDeliveryDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Inventory estimated next delivery date

Inventory.notes ● String! non-null scalar

Inventory note

Member Of

ProductInventory object