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type Order {
id: Int!
type: AddressType
): [Address!]!
media: OrderMedia
userId: Int!
accountManagerId: Int
accountingId: String @deprecated
pickupStoreId: Int @deprecated
cartId: String
siteId: Int @deprecated
channelId: Int
shopId: Int!
uuid: String!
externalId: String
debtorId: String
status: String!
type: OrderType!
source: String
email: String!
emailDate: DateTime
remarks: String
reference: String
extra3: String
extra4: String
currency: String!
currencyRatio: Float!
language: String!
date: DateTime!
statusDate: DateTime
postageData: OrderPostageData!
paymentData: OrderPaymentData!
total: OrderTotals!
items: [OrderItem!]!
shipments: [Shipment!]
invoiceUserId: Int
validUntil: DateTime
companyId: Int
lastModifiedAt: DateTime
originalOrderId: Int
exportedAt: DateTime
exportStatus: OrderExportStatus
exportMessage: String

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

The auto-incremental id for this order

Order.addresses ● [Address!]! non-null object

Order.addresses.type ● AddressType enum ● OrderMedia object

Order.userId ● Int! non-null scalar

The userId of the user that placed this order

Order.accountManagerId ● Int scalar

The id of the Owner/Account Manager that will handle this order

Order.accountingId ● String deprecated scalar


Deprecated in favour of paymentData.accountingId

The accounting id

Order.pickupStoreId ● Int deprecated scalar


Deprecated in favour of postageData.pickUpLocationId

The userId of the store that this order can be picked up in case of the pickup shippingMethod is chosen

Order.cartId ● String scalar

The cartId of the cart that this order is created from.

Order.siteId ● Int deprecated scalar


Deprecated in favor of channelId

The siteId of the webshop this order originated from

Order.channelId ● Int scalar

The channel identifier of the webshop this order originated from

Order.shopId ● Int! non-null scalar

The ID of the shop the Order belongs to

Order.uuid ● String! non-null scalar

Unique identifier for this order

Order.externalId ● String scalar

External identifier for this order from an external source like an ERP system

Order.debtorId ● String scalar

The debtorId of the Customer or Company that placed this Order

Order.status ● String! non-null scalar

The processing status for this order

Order.type ● OrderType! non-null enum

The type of this order

Order.source ● String scalar

The source this order originates from ● String! non-null scalar

The email address for transactional emails

Order.emailDate ● DateTime scalar

The date the last transactional email was sent for this order

Order.remarks ● String scalar

Remarks added by the customer about this order

Order.reference ● String scalar

Reference added by the customer about this order

Order.extra3 ● String scalar

extra3: Open text field to add meta data on an Order. The field will not be visible to Propeller admins, but can be used to be displayed on front-ends or be used in integrations.

Order.extra4 ● String scalar

extra4: Open text field to add meta data on an Order. The field will not be visible to Propeller admins, but can be used to be displayed on front-ends or be used in integrations.

Order.currency ● String! non-null scalar

The currency used to place this order

Order.currencyRatio ● Float! non-null scalar

The currency's exchange rate at the time the order was placed

Order.language ● String! non-null scalar

The selected language on the webshop at the time the order was placed ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the order was placed

Order.statusDate ● DateTime scalar

The date and time the status of the order was last changed

Order.postageData ● OrderPostageData! non-null object

The postage data of the order

Order.paymentData ● OrderPaymentData! non-null object

The payment data of the order ● OrderTotals! non-null object

The totals of the order

Order.items ● [OrderItem!]! non-null object

The items included in the order

Order.shipments ● [Shipment!] list object

Shipments for this Order

Order.invoiceUserId ● Int scalar

The id of the User, contact or Customer that should receive the invoice for this Order

Order.validUntil ● DateTime scalar

The date and time until the order is valid

Order.companyId ● Int scalar

The companyId of the company that placed this order

Order.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime scalar

The date and time the order was last modified

Order.originalOrderId ● Int scalar

Original order id

Order.exportedAt ● DateTime scalar

The date and time the order was exported

Order.exportStatus ● OrderExportStatus enum

Order export status of this order

Order.exportMessage ● String scalar

Order export message

Returned By

order query ● orderCreate mutation ● orderSetStatus mutation ● orderUpdate mutation

Member Of

CartProcessResponse object ● OrderResponse object