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Represents a single cell in a decisionTable, each cell either hold an expression, string value or numeric value based on the column type and field

type BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell {
columnId: ID!
expression: BusinessRuleExpressionGroup
value: String
localizedValue: [LocalizedString!]
number: Float


BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell.columnId ● ID! non-null scalar

The columnId of the cell

BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell.expression ● BusinessRuleExpressionGroup object

The expressions value for this cell

BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell.value ● String scalar

The string value of the cell, used in output cells. Can contain a string or an expression. Strings need to be wrapped in ""

BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell.localizedValue ● [LocalizedString!] list object

The localized string value of the cell, used in output cells. Used when you want a rule to generate a translated string in the output

BusinessRuleDecisionTableCell.number ● Float scalar

The numeric value for this cell, used in output cells

Member Of

BusinessRuleDecisionTableRow object