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type OrderPostageData {
method: String!
taxPercentage: Float!
requestDate: DateTime
gross: Float!
net: Float!
tax: Float!
partialDeliveryAllowed: YesNo
pickUpLocationId: Int
carrier: String
overruled: YesNo
warehouse: Warehouse


OrderPostageData.method ● String! non-null scalar

The chosen shipping method

OrderPostageData.taxPercentage ● Float! non-null scalar

The shipping costs tax percentage

OrderPostageData.requestDate ● DateTime scalar

The preferred delivery date for the Order

OrderPostageData.gross ● Float! non-null scalar

The shipping costs excluding tax ● Float! non-null scalar

The shipping costs including tax ● Float! non-null scalar

The tax on the shipping costs

OrderPostageData.partialDeliveryAllowed ● YesNo enum

Is partial delivery allowed for this Order

OrderPostageData.pickUpLocationId ● Int scalar

ID of the pick up location when the Order's shipping method is PICKUP

OrderPostageData.carrier ● String scalar

The selected carrier for this Order

OrderPostageData.overruled ● YesNo enum

Whether the shipping costs for this order are overruled, if N, the shipping costs will be recalculated on every mutation

OrderPostageData.warehouse ● Warehouse object

Member Of

Order object